The International Max Planck Research School for Biology And Computation (IMPRS-BAC) is now recruiting doctoral students for a start in 2024.

We are looking for outstanding graduates from all over the world – whether you have a degree in biology, biochemistry, bioinformatics, computer science or mathematics, as long as you have a passion for working at the interface between biology and computation, this may be the place for you. Join our international community in Berlin, Germany, and work on an exciting research project in one of our areas of interest: epigenetics, structural biology, developmental biology, mathematical modeling, biological sequence analysis, mechanobiology, stem cells and differentiation, statistics, molecular evolution and more.

The International Max Planck Research School for Biology and Computation is a collaboration between Freie Universität Berlin (Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy; Department of Mathematics and Computer Science) and Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics.


You have:

• a master's or comparable degree in a relevant subject, awarded by October 2024;

• some experience with computational or biological research;

• knowledge in biology or computation with a willingness to gain the other;

• very good written and spoken English;

• a project proposal that matches one of our PI's research interests


We offer:

• cutting-edge research in a variety of areas in biology and computation;

• 3 years' funding to work on your doctoral project;

• a degree from the Freie Universität Berlin;

• excellent supervision through a thesis advisory committee;

• a diverse community to exchange ideas with ;

• a flexible and challenging curriculum of scientific and transferable skills;

• the opportunity to travel to present your work;

• an international program in one of Europe's most exciting cities;



• Apply by the 5th of January 2024 via our application portal.

• Short-listed candidates are invited to Berlin for interviews between the 18th and 20th of March 2024.

• Successful candidates start their doctorate between April and November 2024.



Please prepare your CV and motivation letter, your academic record, a research proposal and two referees willing to provide references, then apply by the 5th of January 2024 via our application portal. Check our website and FAQ for more information.


Contact: Dr. Anne-Dominique Gindrat (imprs-bac(at)

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