O-glycosylation of nuclear and cytosolic proteins regulates many aspects of plant development. We are studying its effect on flowering time, leaf size and root development.

We are looking for Master students with background in molecular biology or biochemistry and an interest in plant biology, to study glycosylation of transcription factors and interaction between cytosolic lectins and O-glycosylated proteins.

Techniques include yeast-two hybrid assays, transient and stable protein expression in plants, co-immunoprecipitation, analysis of reporter-lines, generation of knock-out lines using the CRISPR-Cas9-system, confocal microscopy, ...

Duration: 6 months, Payment: ‘geringfügig’ (ca. 500 € / month)

If you are interested, please contact: doris.lucyshyn(at)boku.ac.at

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