On the "Poetic Intensity" of Friederike Mayröcker´s Lyrical Poetry
On the "Poetic Intensity" of Friederike Mayröcker´s Lyrical Poetry
Arts (10%); Philosophy, Ethics, Religion (15%); Psychology (10%); Linguistics and Literature (65%)
Friederike Mayröcker,
Friedrich Hölderlin,
Contemporary Lyrical Poetry,
Literary Intensity Studies
The aim of this project is a comprehensive study of the lyric oeuvre of Austrian author Friederike Mayröcker (*1924). The project puts her poetry into new perspective by examining it in the light of literary intensity studies. Contrary to the so-called modernity-hypothesis, according to which modern lyrical poetry forgoes the expression of emotion and replaces it with formal experiment, the study will show that in Mayröckers poetry the expression of emotions and formal experiment in no way exclude each other, and further, that her poetry is intensely emotional and highly artificial at the same time. Starting from the hypothesis that the exceptional poetic intensity of her verses stems from the transformation of multiple intensities through language, the study analyses both the poems` formal complexity as well as the complexity of their content, describing them as an expression of an intense attitude towards life (Mayröckers famous poetische Existenz). By making the question of multiple aspects of lyrical intensity its focus, the study shows how relevant the formi.e. the highly artificial codingis for the representation of intense sensations (emotions, thoughts, sensory perceptions etc.). A further aim of the study is to position Mayröckers poetry in the context of contemporary lyrical poetry in German and to describe its uniqueness. It shows that Mayröckers influence on other poets takes place primarily through her poetry. In order to illustrate the importance of the concept of intensity, the study puts her poems in the context of intensity discourses in the field of Humanities. Among historical concepts of intensity, Friedrich Hölderlins poetics of intensity is of preeminent importance for Mayröckers poetics. Aside from the question, whether Mayröcker can be seen as Hölderlins heiress, the study examines to what degree she stands in the tradition of other poets (e.g. Trakl or Celan) and shows her interaction with contemporary artistic and philosophical positions, where her interest is often awaken by what this study terms intensity. Methodologically, the analysis and contextualization of individual poems requires that the perspective of literary criticism be combined with that of other sciences, especially with that of psychology. In the last decades, psychological intensity studies have developed especially promising models for description and analysis of the intensity phenomena, which can be applied with great benefit to Mayröckers poetry. One of the main aims of this project is to develop a multidisciplinary based analytical tools. As animals are among Mayröckers characteristic emotional words her animal poems will additionally be examined from the perspective of interdisciplinary cultural and literary animal studies. Finally, this study is a contribution to the current debate on literary criticism as a life science (Lebenswissenschaft), which puts the relationship between literature and knowledge at the centre of attention.
The project develops a theory of the lyrical intensity as a literary figure of thought and as a category of the scholarly text description and analysis. Starting from the origin of the concept of "intensity" in the natural sciences and taking into account different explanatory models from philosophy and neuro-psychology the project created an interdisciplinary catalogue of criteria for the assessment and analysis of this phenomenon in the lyrical poetry. In order to formulate sophisticated criteria, the original limits of the project were expanded, encompassing not only the poems of Friederike Mayröcker as the material for the analysis, but also those of Friedrich Hölderlin, Georg Trakl and Paul Celan. All these texts share a certain darkness, i.e. a lyrical language eluding a quick and easy comprehension. The term "Intensity" was first introduced in physics in the 18th century. Soon it was adopted as a model for description of sliding and changing phenomena, especially the ever-changing emotions and psychological conditions. For the philosophers Deleuze and Guattari the intensity implied an inexhaustible virtual potential which made manifold transformations possible. The answer to the question how we can experience the purely verbal intensity they sought in the "de-territorialisation" of the language. In this manner, what appears are lines of flight, which lead us out of the representation, fixed meanings, and preconceived opinions. A "de-territorialising" use of language breaks up its signifying and metaphoric strata and reveals the underlying intensity as the unexpected possibilities of meaningful connections. Hölderlin`s modulating speech corresponds with his intensity-based, integrating thinking. For him, the poetic perfection comprises, on the one hand, constant modulation of the synchronous "tones" (basic attitudes), and on the other, their narrowing to a new, "higher" totality. In the light of current neuro- psychological insights into the phenomenon of the perceptive ability and perceptive sensitivity, we can understand Georg Traks poems as an expression of the authors exceptional multiple (sensory, imaginative, intellectual, and emotional) giftedness. The fragments of thought, typical for Mayröcker`s poetics, and her rationally incomprehensible sequences of associations represent a contemporary variant of a dark speech. In Mayröcker`s hands, Celan`s concept of "congenital darkness" of a poem becomes a congenital being beside oneself of the lyrical subject. The analysis of the heterogenous poems results in following criteria for the description of the lyrical intensity: especially bold, tension-building verbal imagery and verbal movement; difference-creating modulations; the "de-territiorializing" usage of the language (Deleuze & Guattari); darkness of the expression based on the synchronicity of disparate perceptions; aspects of becoming (Deleuze) such as becoming intense, becoming an animal, becoming a thing, becoming impersonal and imperceptible; the category of in-between (metaxy), i.e. the "zones of proximity" between speech and silence, me and the other, sobriety and ecstasy.
- Universität Innsbruck - 100%
Research Output
- 20 Publications
Title 'Will you grant me grace?': Peter Waterhouse's Poetics of Possible Worlds in Die Auswandernden (2016) Type Journal Article Author De Felip E. Journal Austrian Studies Pages 124-138 Link Publication -
Title Von Amseln, Elstern und Nachtigallen. Vogel-Mensch-Dialoge in Texten von Friederike Mayröcker und Michael Donhauser; In: Tiere ‒ Texte - Transformationen. Kritische Perspektiven der Human-Animal Studies Type Book Chapter Author De Felip E. Publisher transcript Pages 227-243 Link Publication -
Title "Wohl ist das Herz wach, doch mir zürnt, mich / Hemmt die erstaunende Nacht nun immer". Die Darstellung von Schmerz und Verzweiflung in Hölderlins Ode "Chiron" Type Journal Article Author De Felip E. Journal Studia Germanica Gedanensia Pages 99 - 115 Link Publication -
Title Metaphern gegen den Tod. Friederike Mayröckers ekstatische Trauergedichte; In: XXI. Congress of the ICLA - Proceedings, Bd. 4: The Rhetoric of Topics and Forms Type Book Chapter Author De Felip E. Publisher Walter de Gruyter Pages 29‒39 -
Title Voneinander eine zarte, sorgsame Sprache lernen. Peter Waterhouse´ "Die Auswandernden" (2016) Type Journal Article Author De Felip E. Journal Stimulus. Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Germanistik Pages 101-117 -
Title Fragen zum Lyrischen in Friederike Mayröckers Poesie Type Book Author Arteel I. editors Arteel I., De Felip E. Publisher J. B. Metzler -
Title "von der nassen Papiermanschette des Mondes". Die Intensität der verborgenen Dinge bei Friederike Mayröcker; In: Fragen zum Lyrischen in Friederike Mayröckers Poesie Type Book Chapter Author De Felip E. Publisher J. B. Metzler Pages 229‒252 -
Title Wenn die Augen und die Dinge übergehen: die gemeinsamen Bilderbücher von Friederike Mayröcker und Angelika Kaufmann; In: Übergänge: Verzweigte Wege in und zur Kinder- und Jugendliteratur Type Book Chapter Author De Felip E. Publisher Studien Verlag Pages 33‒53 -
Title "Endlich ein Brief von dem kleinen Pferd! Adieu mein lieb Herz". Annette von Droste-Hülshoffs Brief an Levin Schücking vom 11./12. September 1842 ‒ eine emotionsanalytische Lektüre; In: Briefkultur und Affektästhetik Type Book Chapter Author De Felip E. Publisher Winter Pages 97-125 -
Title Zur Neuperspektivierung zeitgenössischer Lyrik durch die Literary Animal Studies am Beispiel Friederike Mayröckers; In: Vom Experiment zur Neuorientierung. Forschungswege der Germanistik Type Book Chapter Author De Felip E. Publisher Frank & Timme Pages 119-133 -
Title Liebe im Zeichen einer >unzeitgemäßen< Ästhetik der Intensität. Michael Donhausers erotischer Roman Livia oder Die Reise; In: Erregungsmomente. Funktionen des Erotischen in der Literatur Type Book Chapter Author De Felip E. Publisher Ch. A. Bachmann Verlag Pages 209-227 -
Title Joseph Zoderers "Hundstrauer". Ein Epikedeion; In: Joseph Zoderer. Neue Perspektiven auf sein Werk Type Book Chapter Author De Felip E. Publisher Studien Verlag Pages 327-341 -
Title Sprache, Liebe, Zauber: Die Welt des Oswald Egger (Laudatio anlässlich der Verleihung des Georg-Trakl-Preises für Lyrik 2017 an Oswald Egger) Type Journal Article Author De Felip E. Journal *)Salz. Zeitschrift für Literatur Pages 6‒10 -
Title >>auf der Suche nach der verlorenen Stille<< (John Cage). Die Sehnsucht nach Stille und ihre' Übersetzung' in Poesie bei Friederike Mayröcker Type Journal Article Author De Felip E. Journal Concordia discors vs. discordia concors : international journal for researches into comparative literature, contrastive linguistics, cross-cultural and translation strategies Pages 25‒49 -
Title Sieglinde Klettenhammer und Johann Georg Lughofer (Hg.): Georg Trakl. Interpretationen, Kommentare, Didaktisierungen. Interpretationen, Kommentare, Didaktisierungen. Wien: Praesens Verlag 2016 (Ljurik 4. Internationale Lyriktage der Germanistik Ljubljana 2016) Type Journal Article Author De Felip E. Journal Literaturhaus Wien Link Publication -
Title Verborgen hinter 'internen' und 'externen' Fiktionalisierungen: eine Annäherung an das Bild der Autorin Friederike Mayröcker; In: Lʼauctorialité à travers les mises en scène de lʼauteur et de lʼartiste dans le monde germanique. Autorschaft in den Inszenierungen des Autors und des Künstlers im deutschsprachigen Raum Type Book Chapter Author De Felip E. Publisher Publications de l'Université de Saint Étienne -
Title Im 'dritten Raum'. Peter Waterhouse' Prosperos Land; In: Lyrik transkulturell Type Book Chapter Author De Felip E. Publisher Königshausen & Neumann Pages 119-137 -
Title Spiegelbilder einer hohen Wahrnehmungsbegabung. Georg Trakls Gedichte Am Abend und Die Schwermut im Lichte der Kognitiven Poetik; In: Schlüsselkonzepte und Anwendungen der Kognitiven Literaturwissenschaft Type Book Chapter Author De Felip E. Publisher mentis Pages 211-228 -
Title Inge Arteel: Friederike Mayröcker. Hannover: Wehrhahn 2012 (= Meteore 11) Type Journal Article Author De Felip E. Journal Germanistische Mitteilungen Pages 94-97 -
Title Erzählen und Eingedenken. Sepp Malls Wundränder im Lichte von Walter Benjamins Geschichtsphilosophie; In: Ein Jahrhundert schweren Zusammenlebens. Eine Bilanz über die letzten 50 Jahre Südtiroler Literatur / Un secolo di difficile convivenza. Un bilancio degli ultimi cinquant'anni di letteratura altoatesina Type Book Chapter Author De Felip E. Publisher Edizioni Alpha Beta Verlag Pages 161‒180