Arts-Based Research
Target group
This funding program is aimed at qualified researchers working in the field of arts-based research.
Funding goals
The Arts-Based Research program (PEEK) funds innovative, high-quality research in the arts. Artistic practice plays a key role in the research questions. The goal is to strengthen the research skills, quality, and international reputation of Austria’s arts-based researchers. A further objective is to increase both public awareness and awareness within the academic and arts communities of arts-based research and its potential applications.
Funding period and funding amount
- Maximum 48 months
- Depending on the proposed research, project-specific funds (personnel and non-personnel costs) can be applied for. The number of reviews required depends on the amount of funding requested.
- The applicant must have the arts-based research qualifications needed to lead the proposed research project
- Project to be carried out at an Austrian research institution with the necessary infrastructure
- For further details, please see the application guidelines.
- Decided by the Scientific Board based on a recommendation by the PEEK Jury; this recommendation is based on an international review process
- The PEEK Jury is involved in the international review process
- Generally decided at the June and November/December meeting of the Scientific Board
- From 2025 on, generally decided at the May and November/December meeting of the Scientific Board
Application information
Rolling submissions using the online application portal elane
Funding institution
Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and, if applicable, other funding agencies
Inquiries and contact
Dr. Nicola Klingler BA MA
+43 676 83487 8842
What personnel cost rate should be reported for grant-salaried researchers if they do not have an academic degree?
All principal investigators, with or without a doctorate, who are applying for funding for their own salary can apply for a senior postdoc rate.
Is it possible to show earlier arts-based research work that is directly relevant to the current proposal and serves to illustrate the proposal more clearly?
Yes. You can provide audiovisual material to the reviewers via a web link in the project application. Any links provided must be unencrypted.
Are artistic events (such as concerts, performances, or exhibitions) eligible for PEEK funding?
Yes, but generally only as a proof of concept, i.e. the event needs to be directly related to the specific arts-based research described in the proposal.
Can costs for the dissemination of project results be paid for with funds from the global budget?
Costs for the dissemination of project results can be paid for with funds from the global budget if certain requirements are met. These are as follows:
- It must concern publications of the principal investigator and/or project staff members.
- The dissemination costs must be related to the project.
- The results must be published on online-platforms, etc. These must be publicly accessible and free of charge.
- The dissemination (or its digital copy) must have a DOI or another persistent identifier and be archived in a registered repository (see Directory of Open Access Repositories or re3data).
- The FWF must be acknowledged as the funding agency and proof must be given of this acknowledgement.
- The products (e.g., videos, articles, etc.) resulting from the dissemination activities must be made available to the FWF without a specific request.