Maximum flexibility and the freedom to implement pioneering projects in all disciplines of basic research – the FWF’s Principal Investigator Project funding offers researchers a thematically open funding program that covers a wide range of individual requirements. It provides principal investigators and their research groups with the resources they need to investigate key research questions over a period of several years.

Target group

This funding program is aimed at researchers from all disciplines.

Funding goals

The Principal Investigator Projects program gives researchers the opportunity to carry out thematically clearly defined research projects limited to a specific duration and to devote themselves to investigating individual research questions.

Funding period and funding amount

  • Maximum 48 months
  • Depending on the proposed research, project-specific funds (personnel and non-personnel costs) can be applied for. The number of reviews required depends on the amount of funding requested.


  • The applicant has the academic qualifications needed to lead the proposed research project
  • Project to be carried out at an Austrian research institution with the necessary infrastructure
  • For further details, please see the application guidelines.


  • Decided by the Scientific Board based on an international review process
  • Five approval meetings per year
  • Co-financing option with the Matching Funds initiative

Application information

Rolling submissions using the online application portal elane.

Funding institution

Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and, if applicable, other funding agencies



Inquiries and contact

Staff members of the specialist departments


Apr. 10, 2025: FWF Coaching Workshop (DE): Submitting FWF Proposals

May 08, 2025: Virtual FWF Coaching Workshop (EN): Submitting FWF Proposals

May 22, 2025: FWF Webinar (DE): Successfully Implementing FWF Projects

Application portal

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