The Assembly of Delegates makes decisions on the rules of procedure for its own activities as well as those of the Executive Board and the Scientific Board, and draws up a shortlist for the position of the President and Vice-Presidents.

The Assembly also elects the members of the Scientific Board, based on a proposal by the Executive Board, as well as four members of the Supervisory Board. The voting members of the Assembly of Delegates are representatives of Austria’s research institutions. In addition, representatives of the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, and the FWF Executive Board are also part of the Assembly of Delegates.

Chair: Manuela Baccarini (University of Vienna)

Deputy Chair: Andrea Höglinger (Graz University of Technology)

7th term (2023-2027)

Member Deputy

University of Vienna

Manuela Baccarini

Sebastian Schütze

University of Graz

Joachim Reidl

Mireille van Poppel

University of Innsbruck

Gregor Weihs

Veronika Sexl

Medical University of Vienna

Michaela Fritz

Maria Sibilia

Medical University of Graz

Christian Enzinger

Akos Heinemann

Medical University of Innsbruck

Christine Bandtlow

Ludger Hengst

University of Salzburg

Jutta Horejs-Höck

Andrea Spannring

TU Wien

Peter Ertl

Elisabeth Schludermann

Graz University of Technology

Andrea Höglinger

Horst Bischof

Montanuniversität Leoben

Helmut Antrekowitsch

Oskar Paris

University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna

Christian Obinger

Eva Schulev-Steindl

University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna

Otto Doblhoff-Dier

Mathias Müller

Vienna University of Economics and Business

Bernadette Kamleitner

Manuela Wade

University of Linz

Alberta Bonanni

Carsten Schneider

University of Klagenfurt

Jan Steinbrener

Martina Merz

University of Applied Arts Vienna

Clemens Apprich

Alexander Damianisch

University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna

Therese Kaufmann

Nikolaus Urbanek

Mozarteum University Salzburg

Eugen Banauch

Elisabeth Gutjahr

University of Music and Performing Arts Graz

Robert Höldrich

Roland Reiter

University of Arts Linz

Karin Harrasser

Andre Zogholy

Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

Michaela Glanz

Paul Reiter

University for Continuing Education Krems

Viktoria Weber

Friedrich Faulhammer

Austrian Academy of Sciences

Heinz Fassmann

Christiane Wendehorst

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

Andreas Kugi

Lina Bittner-Frank

Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)

Martin Hetzer

Georgios Katsaros

Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft

Sylvia Knapp

Andrea Barta

Austrian Association of Universities of Applied Sciences

Johann Kastner

Andreas Altmann

Austrian National Union of Students

Sarah Rossmann

Nina Mathies

Austrian Private Universities Conference

Rudolf Mallinger

Rosemarie Brucher

Non-academic research – BMK

Iris Filzwieser

Elke Guenther

Non-voting members


Eva Gottmann

Annabel Gilbert


Veronika Hopfgartner

Margit Harjung

FWF Executive Board

Christof Gattringer

Ursula Jakubek

Christoph Binder

Georg Kaser

Eva Kernbauer


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