The Scientific Board decides on the funding of research projects.

The Scientific Board decides on the funding of research projects. It is composed of the Scientific Consultants and their alternates as well as the members of the FWF Executive Board. The Scientific Board ensures the high quality of the FWF’s funding decisions. Scientific Consultants are elected and appointed for a period of three years.

7th term (2023-2026)

Executive Board of the FWF

Christof Gattringer

Ursula Jakubek

Christoph Binder

Georg Kaser

Eva Kernbauer

Scientific Consultant Alternate

Biology and Medicine

Biology I

Eva Stöger

University of Natural Ressources and Life Sciences, Vienna

Kristina Sefc

University of Graz

Biology II

Jillian Petersen

University of Vienna

 Angela Sessitsch

AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

Genetics, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Systems Biology

Silja Weßler

University of Salzburg

Alexander Stark

IMP - Research Institute of Molecular Pathology

Alice Assinger

Medical University of Vienna

Cell Biology

Wilfried Ellmeier

Medical University of Vienna

Hesso Farhan

Medical University of Innsbruck

Biochemistry and Structural Biology

Fatima Ferreira-Briza

University of Salzburg

Alexandra Lusser

Medical University of Innsbruck

Neuroscience I

Claus Lamm

University of Vienna

Gaia Novarino

Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)

Francesco Ferraguti

Medical University of Innsbruck

Neuroscience II

Georg Widhalm

Medical University of Vienna

Lars P. Klimaschewski

Medical University of Innsbruck

Biomedical Research I

Markus Reindl

Medical University of Innsbruck

Meinrad Busslinger

Research Institute of Molecular Pathology

Biomedical Research II

 Fritz Aberger

University of Salzburg

Florian Grebien

University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna

Andrea Olschewski

Medical University of Graz

Biomedical Research III

Marcus Hacker

Medical University of Vienna

Karin Stiasny

Medical University of Vienna

Clinical Research I

Gerald Höfler

Medical University of Graz

Eva Schernhammer

Medical University of Vienna

Clinical Research II

Thomas Reiberger

Medical University of Vienna

Kathrin Eller

Medical University of Graz

Humanities and Social Sciences


Michaela Trippl

University of Vienna

Hans Manner

University of Graz

Political Science, Law and Administrative Sciences

Jessica Fortin-Rittberger

University of Salzburg

Lena Foljanty

University of Vienna

Sociology and Interdisciplinary Social Sciences

Libora Oates-Indruchová

University of Graz

 Daniel Barben

University of Klagenfurt

 Uli Meyer

University of Linz

Psychology and Educational Sciences

Tobias Greitemeyer

University of Innsbruck

Helga Fasching

University of Vienna

Philosophy/Theology and Cultural Studies

Evelyn Annuß

University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna

Martin Kusch

University of Vienna

Historical Sciences

Claudia Kraft

University of Vienna

Christina Antenhofer

University of Salzburg

Classical Studies

Erich Kistler

University of Innsbruck

Reinhard Wolters

University of Vienna

Literature and Linguistics

Ulrike Jessner-Schmid

University of Innsbruck

Julia Hoydis

University of Graz

Studies of Arts

Sabeth Buchmann

Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

Federico Celestini

University of Innsbruck

Natural Sciences and Technology

Mathematics I

Verena Bögelein

University of Salzburg

 Christoph Aistleitner

Graz University of

Mathematics II

Laszlo Erdös

Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)

Erika Hausenblas

Montanuniversität Leoben

Computer Science I

Ana Sokolova

University of Salzburg


Computer Science II

Silvia Miksch

TU Wien

Bernhard Rinner

University of Klagenfurt

Experimental Physics

Andreas Ney

University of Linz 

Julian Léonard

Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)

Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics

Markus Aichhorn

Graz University of Technology

Josef Pradler

Austrian Academy of Sciences

Anita Reimer

University of Innsbruck

Inorganic Chemistry

Erik Reimhult

University of Natural Ressources and Life Sciences, Vienna

Annette Rompel

University of Vienna

Organic Chemistry

Nuno Maulide

University of Vienna

Ronald Micura

University of Innsbruck


Andrea K. Steiner

University of Graz

Rainer Abart

University of Vienna

Engineering Technology

Martin Horn

Graz University of Technology

Tibor Grasser

TU Wien

Material Sciences

Andreas Ludwig

Montanuniversität Leoben

Paul H. Mayrhofer

TU Wien


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