With funding from the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) and the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), the FWF is inviting researchers from all disciplines to submit innovative projects in the field of research and development of alternative methods to animal experiments. The objective is to gain the new knowledge needed to be able to increasingly avoid experimentation on animals.

Target group

This funding program is aimed at researchers from all disciplines.

Funding goals

Projects that make a significant contribution to the discovery and development of alternative methods in line with the 3Rs principle described by Russel and Burch in 1959 are eligible for funding. The aim is to develop research and testing methods that completely replace animal testing (replacement), reduce the number of animals used (reduction), or minimize the animals’ pain and distress (refinement).

Additional program-specific information

  • Applications for this funding program can be submitted under the FWF program Principal Investigator Projects.
  • Eligible for funding are projects with concisely defined objectives and methodology, and which are subject to duration and funding limits pursuant to the provisions of the abovementioned FWF program. 
  • Applications submitted for this call are not subject to the restriction on the number of projects in progress.

Funding period and funding amount

  • Maximum 48 months
  • Depending on the proposed research, project-specific funds (personnel and non-personnel costs) can be applied for. The number of reviews required depends on the amount of funding requested.


The requirements and specifications for the FWF program Principal Investigator Projects apply as well as the Supplementary Application Guidelines for this subject-specific funding.


  • Decision by the FWF Scientific Board after an international peer review
  • €600,000 in funding provided by the BMBWF; if the required funding amount for an eligible project exceeds the amount available, the FWF will cover the difference from its own budget.
  • Annually in December

Application information

  • Proposals are submitted online using the electronic application portal elane.
  • The application guidelines for Principal Investigator Projects apply.
  • The relevance of the proposal to the topic of this subject-specific call must be detailed in an additional form on elane.
  • The Supplementary Application Guidelines include additional specifics of the call.

Funding institution

Austrian Science Fund (FWF) or BMBWF

Next call:

Feb. 12, 2025 to May 12, 2025


Feb. 12, 2025 to May 12, 2025 (02:00 pm Vienna local time)

Inquiries and contact

Dr. Uwe von Ahsen
+43 676 83487 8611

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