More international cooperation in cutting-edge research – this FWF program offers researchers custom-tailored support to allow them to carry out multilateral research projects. The FWF is represented in numerous multinational consortia of funding organizations that enable researchers to carry out multilateral cooperation projects across national borders.

Researchers can choose from a number of different multilateral funding opportunities, many of which are subject-specific. Details can be found on the information pages for each multilateral funding opportunity. These include European Partnerships, ERA-NETs, the Belmont Forum, and DFG and FWF cooperative programs.

European Partnerships 

The European Partnerships are a joint research and innovation program implemented by the European Commission and public and/or private partners. The aim is to further develop the European Research Area (ERA), to promote the competitiveness of the EU, and to address socially important topics. Participation in European Partnerships is decided at the member state level; the FWF's participation in transnational European Partnership funding programs depends on a recommendation by the BMBWF.


The ERA-NET program is an instrument of the European Commission intended to improve cooperation and the coordination of subject-specific research activities at the national or regional level. To achieve this objective, the program promotes networking among national funding agencies, allowing them to learn from each other and ultimately to develop and manage joint calls. For the FWF, participation in this initiative gives researchers in Austria the opportunity to become involved in subject-specific international research programs.

Belmont Forum 

Belmont Forum is a partnership of funding organizations, international science councils, and regional consortia committed to the advancement of transdisciplinary science, providing knowledge to help understand, mitigate, and adapt to global environmental change. 

DFG and FWF cooperative programs

The DFG and FWF facilitate the reciprocal participation of research partners from Germany and Austria in Special Research Areas and DFG research groups.

Current funding opportunities for multilateral research projects can be found under Subject-specific Fundings.



Inquiries and contact

European Partnerships, ERA-NETs, Belmont Forum:

Staff members of the specialist departments

Cooperative programs DFG and FWF:

Dr. Christoph Bärenreuter, christoph.baerenreuter(at)
+43 676 83487 8702


Application portal

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