With the nonprofit-funded Rückenwind Funding Bonus, the FWF’s alpha+ Foundation supports the academic careers of internationally active researchers in the Erwin Schrödinger program. Thanks to a grant of up to €5,000 per Erwin Schrödinger fellow, aspiring researchers can strengthen their connections with international colleagues and attend conferences and specialization courses.

Target group

The funding bonus is available to FWF-funded Erwin Schrödinger fellows who meet the subject-specific requirements in the key research areas of biology and medicine and whose projects were approved in the year prior to the call.

Funding goals

On behalf of the alpha+ Foundation of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), the FWF invites applications for Rückenwind Funding Bonuses on an annual basis. The program supports the career development, international networking, and knowledge transfer of up-and-coming researchers in the Erwin Schrödinger program.

Please click here for more information about the alpha+ Foundation.

Additional program-specific information

Applications for the Rückenwind Funding Bonus can be submitted under the Erwin Schrödinger program.

Funding period and funding amount

Up to € 5,000 can be applied for in the Rückenwind Funding Bonus program.


  • The funding bonus is available to FWF-funded Erwin Schrödinger fellows whose projects were approved in the year prior to the call.
  • The projects submitted must meet the subject specific requirements in the key research areas of biology and medicine of the current call for proposals.
  • For further details, please see the application guidelines.


The alpha+ Foundation of the FWF makes funding decisions and notifies applicants of the decision.

Application information

Number of eligible projects

The number of Rückenwind Funding Bonuses awarded depends on the amount of funding provided by private donors and can vary from year to year.

Funding institution

alpha+ Foundation of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF)


Currently no submissions

Inquiries and contact

Reinhard Schmidt
+43 676 83487 8504

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