The Herzfelder Foundation supports scientists in carrying out research projects in the field of biochemical-medical cell research. The focus is on research into the aging and degeneration of cells, cell diseases, and the search for means to influence these processes.

Target group

This funding program is aimed at researchers working in basic research in the field of biochemical-medical cell research.

Funding goals

On behalf of the Herzfelder Foundation, the FWF invites applications for the funding of research projects in the field of biochemical-medical cell research. Eligible research is aimed at influencing the course of human aging (prevention of senescence, prolongation of life in good health).

Funding is provided especially for projects that address the following issues:

  • Cell changes and aging and the search for means to influence this process
  • Cellular diseases and degenerations

Additional program-specific information

Applications for Herzfelder Foundation Projects can be submitted under the FWF programs:

Applications submitted for this call are not subject to the restriction on the number of projects in progress.

Funding period and funding amount

  • Funding period: up to 48 months
  • Depending on the proposed research, project-specific funds (personnel and non-personnel costs) can be applied for. The number of reviews required depends on the amount of funding requested.
  • For projects funded by the Foundation, the general project costs are increased to 10%.


The requirements and specifications for the FWF programs Principal Investigator Projects, or Clinical Research apply, as well as the Supplementary Application Guidelines for this subject-specific funding.


  • Decision by the Herzfelder Foundation based on a recommendation by the Scientific Board
  • €1,000,000 in funding provided by the Foundation; if the required funding amount for an approved project exceeds this amount, the FWF will cover the difference.
  • Proposals that have received outstanding reviews that cannot be funded by the Foundation will funded by the FWF (but without the increase in general project costs).
  • Annually in November/December

Application information

  • Proposals are submitted online using the electronic application portal elane.
  • The application guidelines for Principal Investigator Projects or Clinical Research apply.
  • The relevance of the proposal to the topic of this subject-specific call must be detailed in an additional form on elane.
  • The Supplementary Application Guidelines include additional specifics of the call.

Funding institution

Herzfelder Foundation, Austrian Science Fund (FWF)


Jan. 9, 2025 to Apr. 3, 2025 (02:00 pm Vienna local time)

Inquiries and contact

Gerit Oberraufner (she/her)
+43 676 83487 8606


Scientific project officers in the relevant specialist departments


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