Hierachies and Networks. The castles of Wildon (Styria)
Hierachies and Networks. The castles of Wildon (Styria)
Construction Engineering (10%); History, Archaeology (90%)
Middle Ages,
Eastern Alpine region,
Building Research
On the Schlossberg of Wildon (Styria), a site of central importance already existed in the late Early Middle Ages. This is indicated by written sources and some archaeological finds. The present project concentrates on the further fate of this early centre on the Schlossberg in the Middle Ages and into the early modern period. In total, there were at least five medieval castles here, some of which existed simultaneously, others in succession - such an accumulation is unique in the south-eastern Alpine region. Wildon is also of outstanding importance for the history of the state of Styria. The central research questions of the project include the origins and chronology of the Wildon castles. Not only the special functions of the individual castles (aristocratic seat, fortification), but also their internal and external networks are to be researched. This includes, on the one hand, the changing relationships between the castles and their role in the "castle family" and, on the other hand, the relationships to the "outside" (trade, military/war, centre for the surrounding area). The research questions also concern the supra-regional significance, the defence capability of the castles and their possible role in the fortress network of the south-eastern Alpine region. In addition, the fortification of "Neu-Wildon" in particular offers a good opportunity to investigate the fate of a castle in the late Middle Ages and early modern period, as reconstruction work was still taking place here until the 16th/17th century and the final decline did not begin until around 1700. The project is based at the University of Graz. The project staff specialise in Medieval and Early Modern archaeology. In order to systematically address the research questions, the project draws on a wide range of mainly archaeological sources. These include finds and records from several decades of excavations, most of which are unpublished. A precise chronological framework will be developed on the basis of cross-regional comparisons. The phases of use of the castles will be worked out from both an archaeological and a building research perspective, including a reassessment of the masonry according to the current state of research. The results will then be compared with the historical sources. The castle ensemble of Wildon offers a constellation of archaeological sources that is unique for the Eastern Alpine region and also very rare beyond the region. It is being investigated using a combination of proven archaeological methods and modern (3D-supported) building research, taking into account the results of historical research. The aim is to achieve a synopsis that will make it possible to answer the aforementioned research questions about internal relationships and external networks.
- Universalmuseum Joanneum - 12%
- Universität Graz - 88%
- Gernot Peter Obersteiner, national collaboration partner
- Johann Kießner-Haiden, national collaboration partner
- Karl Peitler, Universalmuseum Joanneum , associated research partner
- Karl Peitler, Universalmuseum Joanneum , national collaboration partner