Subcellular Localization of Toxin production
Subcellular Localization of Toxin production
Biology (80%); Chemistry (20%)
Harmful Algal Bloom,
Peptide Labeling,
Click Chemistry,
Content: Harmful algal blooms formed by cyanobacteria (cyanoHABs) not only deteriorate ecosystem services, but cause significant economic losses because of managing and treating drinking water and food supplies. Among toxins produced by cyanobacteria, most prominent are the microcystins (MCs) and related peptides, the anabaenopeptins (APs) inhibiting eukaryotic protein phosphatases of higher organisms. Intracellular toxic peptides can be released into the surrounding environment either through cell lysis or through active transport out of the cell. In general ecophysiological variation in cyanotoxin peptide production has been studied in the field and in the laboratory by calculating average contents from a large number of cells. This approach ignores the variability on the individual cell level which is induced, for example, by transposable elements. One possibility to investigate cyanotoxins on the individual cell level is the so-called bioorthogonal labeling. Labeling of cyanotoxins/peptides in real time is based on the discovery of unspecific key enzymes involved in the synthesis pathway of those compounds which also can use non-natural functional groups as precursors. The resulting modified molecule is subsequently labeled by a fluorophore through a so-called click chemistry reaction. Hypotheses: In this project we aim to localize toxic peptides in the cells to investigate the underlying peptide storage and transport mechanism: (1) localize peptides intracellularly and identify the responsible cellular compartments, (2) describe the intercellular variability in peptide synthesis as a result of spontaneous mutations (e.g. transposases), (3) find out whether genotype-dependent release of peptides can explain the large variability in extracellular toxin contents, and (4) analyze the influence of physiological stress conditions on peptide storage and release. Methods: We will perform real time cyanotoxin/peptide labeling and high resolution imaging to localize, quantify and reveal inter/intracellular peptide storage and release using various isolates varying substantially in intra- and extracellular toxic peptide content (0-60% of the total content). Labeled peptides will be quantified by advanced imaging as well as flow cytometry taking into account genetic factors causing intercellular variation as well as physiological factors causing intra- and extracellular variation. Pulsed feeding experiments will be used to understand the fate of labeled peptides over time under both maximum growth rate and physiological stress conditions which will lead to an increased understanding on MC and AP peptide storage in the cells. Innovation: For the first time we will localize cyanotoxins/peptides using the advanced techniques of molecule imaging in real time at the single cell level. This exciting approach has the potential to change our view on driving forces for toxic peptides release into the environment and to offer a new perspective on future water management for toxic cyanobacterial blooming.
- Martin Offterdinger, Medizinische Universität Innsbruck , associated research partner
- Dan Kramer, Cyanobiotech GmbH - Germany
- Andrea Rentmeister, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität - Germany
Research Output
- 75 Citations
- 21 Publications
- 2 Policies
- 1 Methods & Materials
- 5 Datasets & models
- 4 Disseminations
- 2 Scientific Awards
- 1 Fundings
Title Subzelluläre Lokalisierung der Toxinproduktion in Cyanobakterien: Eine umfassende Analyse der Signalintensität und Signalverteilung in der Zelle bei Microcystis aeruginosa und Planktothrix agardhii. Msc thesis, Univ. of Innsbruck Type Other Author Kristin Barbara Kuntz -
Title Deciphering the production variation and localization of non-ribosomal peptides in Cyanobacteria using Click chemistry, Master 2 Graduate program Evolutionary Biology, Internship report, Univ. of Lille Type Other Author Loay Hussein -
Title Towards an understanding of secondary metabolite diversity among the algal-bloom forming cyanobacterium Planktothrix Type PhD Thesis Author Elisabeth Entfellner Link Publication -
Title Real-Time Observation of Clickable Cyanotoxin Synthesis in Bloom-Forming Cyanobacteria Microcystis aeruginosa and Planktothrix agardhii Type Journal Article Author Kurmayer Journal MDPI Toxins Pages 19 Link Publication -
Title Distribution of toxigenic cyanobacteria in Alpine lakes and rivers as revealed by molecular screening DOI 10.1016/j.watres.2024.121783 Type Journal Article Author Jablonska M Journal Water Research Pages 121783 Link Publication -
Title Real-Time Observation of Clickable Cyanotoxin Synthesis in Bloom-Forming Cyanobacteria Microcystis aeruginosa and Planktothrix agardhii DOI 10.3390/toxins16120526 Type Journal Article Author Kurmayer R Journal Toxins Pages 526 Link Publication -
Title High Structural Diversity of Aeruginosins in Bloom-Forming Cyanobacteria of the Genus Planktothrix as a Consequence of Multiple Recombination Events DOI 10.3390/md21120638 Type Journal Article Author Entfellner E Journal Marine Drugs Pages 638 Link Publication -
Title Quantitative relationships among high-throughput sequencing, cyanobacteria toxigenic genotype abundance and microcystin occurrence in bathing waters DOI 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.165934 Type Journal Article Author Purker M Journal Science of The Total Environment Pages 165934 Link Publication -
Title Toxic/Bioactive Peptide Synthesis Genes Rearranged by Insertion Sequence Elements Among the Bloom-Forming Cyanobacteria Planktothrix DOI 10.3389/fmicb.2022.901762 Type Journal Article Author Entfellner E Journal Frontiers in Microbiology Pages 901762 Link Publication -
Title Interannual variability of water quality conditions in the Nyanza Gulf of Lake Victoria, Kenya DOI 10.1016/j.jglr.2021.10.017 Type Journal Article Author Simiyu B Journal Journal of Great Lakes Research Pages 97-109 Link Publication -
Title Response of planktonic diatoms to eutrophication in Nyanza Gulf of Lake Victoria, Kenya DOI 10.1016/j.limno.2022.125958 Type Journal Article Author Simiyu B Journal Limnologica Pages 125958 Link Publication -
Title Click labelling and In Vitro clicking (CuAAC) of the widespread cyanotoxin Microcystin and the bioactive peptide Anabaenopeptin from cyanobacteria, MSc thesis, Univ. of Innsbruck Type Other Author Kotzorek Link Publication -
Title Click labelling and In Vitro clicking (CuAAC) of the widespread cyanotoxin Microcystin and the bioactive peptide Anabaenopeptin from cyanobacteria, MSc thesis, Univ. orf Innsbruck Type Other Author Kotzorek Link Publication -
Title Contrasting endolithic habitats for cyanobacteria in spring calcites of the European Alps. DOI 10.1127/nova_hedwigia/2021/0615 Type Journal Article Author Rott E Journal Nova Hedwigia Pages 17-48 Link Publication -
Title Correction: Morón-Asensio et al. Differential Labeling of Chemically Modified Peptides and Lipids among Cyanobacteria Planktothrix and Microcystis. Microorganisms 2021, 9, 1578 DOI 10.3390/microorganisms10040695 Type Journal Article Author Morón-Asensio R Journal Microorganisms Pages 695 Link Publication -
Title Differential Labeling of Chemically Modified Peptides and Lipids among Cyanobacteria Planktothrix and Microcystis DOI 10.3390/microorganisms9081578 Type Journal Article Author Morón-Asensio R Journal Microorganisms Pages 1578 Link Publication -
Title The effects of hydrological changes on the spatial phytoplankton composition and cyanotoxin concentrations in Nyanza Gulf, Lake Victoria, Kenya Type PhD Thesis Author Benard Mucholwa Simiyu Link Publication -
Title Toward Disentangling the Multiple Nutritional Constraints Imposed by Planktothrix: The Significance of Harmful Secondary Metabolites and Sterol Limitation DOI 10.3389/fmicb.2020.586120 Type Journal Article Author Schwarzenberger A Journal Frontiers in Microbiology Pages 586120 Link Publication -
Title Chemically labeled toxins or bioactive peptides show a heterogeneous intracellular distribution and low spatial overlap with autofluorescence in bloom-forming cyanobacteria DOI 10.1038/s41598-020-59381-w Type Journal Article Author Kurmayer R Journal Scientific Reports Pages 2781 Link Publication -
Title Real time observation and modelling of heterogenous cyanopeptide synthesis as revealed by chemical labeling Type Journal Article Author Morón-Asensio Journal t.b.a. -
Title Real-time observation of cyanopeptide synthesis in bloom-forming cyanobacteria Microcystis and Planktothrix Type Journal Article Author Kurmayer Journal MDPI Toxins
Title Differential Labeling of Chemically Modified Peptides and Lipids Type Database/Collection of data Public Access Link Link -
Title Real-time observation of clickable cyanotoxin synthesis in bloom-forming cyanobacteria Planktothrix agardhii DOI 10.6019/s-bsst1681 Type Database/Collection of data Public Access Link Link -
Title Real-time observation of clickable cyanotoxin synthesis in bloom-forming cyanobacteria Microcystis aeruginosa DOI 10.6019/s-bsst1672 Type Database/Collection of data Public Access Link Link -
Title Data management plan Type Database/Collection of data Public Access Link Link -
Title Chemically labeled toxins or bioactive peptides show a heterogeneous intracellular distribution Type Database/Collection of data Public Access Link Link
Title Long Night of Research (Lange Nacht der Forschung), 24 May 2024 Type Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution Link Link -
Title Radioserie "Vom Leben der Natur" auf Ö1 zum Thema Algen in den Alpenseen. Die Serie läuft an den folgenden Tagen mit weiterführenden Algenthemen 2.8.-6.8.2021, Type A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press) Link Link -
Title Session (Workshop) at SIL 100 conference Berlin, 7-10 Aug 2022 Type Participation in an activity, workshop or similar Link Link -
Title SLOT project website Type Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel Link Link
Title 5 months Internship Type Attracted visiting staff or user to your research group Level of Recognition Continental/International -
Title Localization of Microcystin and Anabaenopeptin Peptides on a Subcellular Level in the Cyanobacteria Type Personally asked as a key note speaker to a conference Level of Recognition Continental/International
Title Targeting Routes of Exposure for clickable Microcystins in Daphnia sp Type Research grant (including intramural programme) Start of Funding 2024 Funder Tiroler Nachwuchsforscher*innenförderung Amt d. Tiroler Landesreg., Eduard-Wallnöfer-Platz 3, 6020 Innsbruck, Österreich