The Scientific Legacy of Rene´ de Nebesky-Wojkowitz
The Scientific Legacy of Rene´ de Nebesky-Wojkowitz
Other Humanities (45%); Sociology (30%); Linguistics and Literature (25%)
Himalayan Studies,
Digital Archiving,
Darjeeling district,
Ethnographic Collection,
History Of Anthropology,
The project, to be hosted at the Research Center CIRDIS (Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Documentation of Inner and South Asian Cultural History), University of Vienna, and directed by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Gaenszle, will provide a valuable contribution to the preservation and utilization of the legacy of the Austrian Tibetologist and ethnographer René de Nebesky-Wojkowitz (1923-1959) and highlight the importance of his pioneering and influential work on Tibetan religion and culture. Scheduled for four years, the project concentrates on his three travels to South Asia (1950-1953, 1956-1957 and 1958-1959) and on his academic work at the University of Vienna and the former Museum für Völkerkunde, through which he brought the culture of Tibet and Nepal to the attention of a broader public at an early stage. His pioneering work and his innovative way of combining his language skills, his anthropological inquiries and his interest for the living religion, ritual practice and art, created a new method of what could be called Ethno- Tibetology, establishing a continuing academic tradition of Tibetan and Buddhist Studies in Austria and influencing the scientific perspective of subsequent scholars around the world. The project aims to compile, archive, analyse and make available the heterogeneous material of various ethnic cultures consisting of monographs, articles, unpublished field notes, tape recording, photographs and film material, Tibetan manuscripts and texts, as well as numerous ethnological and artistic artefacts collected and purchased by Nebesky-Wojkowitz during his travels. The largest part of these resources are now in the possession of the Weltmuseum Wien (former Museum für Völkerkunde); the rest are scattered over a number of national and international archives and libraries. We will especially take into consideration the geographical, political and socio-historical context of his journeys. The material will be archived and disseminated in line with the principle of long-term preservation and open accessibility. The team further plans to create a Cultural Map, which intends to digitally re-unite and locate the multitude of data Nebesky-Wojkowitz produced during his few but intensive years of academic research, and which shall illuminate his societal contacts and research network in Europe and the Eastern Himalayas. The reappraisal of his interests, his research strategies and methods should also contribute to a more comprehensive picture of the academic history of Asian Anthropology and Tibetology in Austria and beyond, highlighting the impact of his work on colleagues and successors. In addition, the project will emphasize the meaning and value of his his extensive but neglected collection at the Weltmuseum Wien and contribute to the museums research programmes and particularly to its current reorganisation and future exhibition concepts.
The project, conducted at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Documentation of Inner and South Asian Cultural History (CIRDIS) and the Department for South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies at the University of Vienna under the leadership of Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Gaenszle, was dedicated to the rich scientific heritage of René Nebesky-Wojkowitz (1923-1959), an Austrian Tibetologist and ethnographer. The project primarily focused on Nebesky-Wojkowitz's explorations in South Asia during the 1950s and his collection acquired there for the Weltmuseum Wien, as well as his academic and popular scientific contributions. Nebesky-Wojkowitz's groundbreaking approach, which combined language skills, anthropological investigations, and an appreciation for living traditions, laid the foundation for what is today known as "Ethno-Tibetology". This innovative method not only paved the way for ongoing Tibetan and Buddhist studies in Austria but also left a lasting impression on researchers worldwide. The project meticulously collected and analyzed a diverse range of materials gathered by Nebesky-Wojkowitz during his travels. These materials, from unpublished field notes and photographs to audio recordings, films, and artifacts including manuscripts and printed books, offer invaluable insights into the cultures and traditions of the Himalayan region. By embedding the data in their geographical and historical contexts, the project provided initial insights into the cultural and political situation of the Himalayan region in the 1950s, and moreover on Nebesky-Wojkowitz's broad academic network and the development of Cultural Anthropology and Tibetology in Austria's post-war period. A significant outcome of the project was the discovery and identification of previously unknown publications, lectures, and misattributed or poorly documented objects, which greatly enriches our understanding of Nebesky-Wojkowitz's work and its significance for Austrian research. Furthermore, newly established collaborations with local experts and institutions in Nepal and India led to an important transfer of data and knowledge, and the dissemination of research findings to local communities in the region (to be strenghtened in the future). Through its efforts to disseminate the findings and results in international workshops, publications and the online database of the Himalaya Archive Vienna (HAV), the project aims to highlight the significance of Nebesky-Wojkowitz's neglected publications and his collection at the Weltmuseum Wien as a potential contribution to ongoing research debates and future exhibition concepts - making it known to a younger generation. Overall, the project serves as a testament to the enduring relevance of Nebesky-Wojkowitz's work and its ongoing impact on the study of the cultures of the Himalayas.
- Universität Wien - 100%
- Daniel Berounsky, Charles University Prague - Czechia
- Trine Brox, University of Copenhagen - Denmark
- Kunsang Namgyal Lama, Centre d´Études Himalayennes - Campus De Villejuif - CNRS - France
- Anna Balikci, Namgyal Institute of Tibetology - India
- Kami Tsewang Gurung, Triten Norbutse Institution - Nepal
- Alban Von Stockhausen, Bernisches Historisches Museum - Switzerland
- Heleen Plaisier, University of Edinburgh - United Kingdom
Research Output
- 1 Citations
- 17 Publications
- 1 Policies
- 2 Artistic Creations
- 1 Datasets & models
- 1 Software
- 11 Disseminations
- 3 Scientific Awards
- 4 Fundings
Title Bilder einer Reise: Kalimpong - Stadt der Spione im Himalaya Type Journal Article Author Niebuhr U Journal Friends! Newsletter der Weltmuseum Wien Friends Pages 14-20 -
Title 'Tibetan Treasures' of the Weltmuseum Wien: A First Critical Approach to René de Nebesky-Wojkowitz's Policy of Collecting Type Journal Article Author Niebuhr U Journal Pages 1-11 Link Publication -
Title Das Buddhistische Lebensrad: René Nebesky-Wojkowitzs Recherchen zum Kreislauf der Wiedergeburt Type Journal Article Author Niebuhr U Journal Archiv Weltmuseum Wien 69 Pages 68-105 Link Publication -
Title René Nebesky-Wojkowitz als Pionier der Multimedia-Dokumentation und Wissensvermittlung Type Journal Article Author Apic A Journal Archiv Weltmuseum Wien 69 Pages 46-67 Link Publication -
Title The Limbu Script and the Production of Religious Books in Nepal DOI 10.1163/24519197-bja10014 Type Journal Article Author Gaenszle M Journal Philological Encounters Pages 43-69 Link Publication -
Title Bericht über die Forschungsreise in Nepal 1958/59 (und in das indisch-tibetische Grenzgebiet) Type Journal Article Author Nebesky-Wojkowitz† R Journal Archiv Weltmuseum Wien 68 Pages 64-91 Link Publication -
Title Austria's First Nepal Exhibition - René Nebesky-Wojkowitz's Role in Presenting Nepalese Culture to a European Audience in 1957 Type Journal Article Author Niebuhr U Journal Archiv Weltmuseum Wien 71 Pages 46-69 Link Publication -
Title René Nebesky-Wojkowitz (1923-1959) - Milestones in a Scientific Career; In: Experiencing Tibet from the Heart of Europe: Missionaries, Scholars, Filmakers and Motorbikes Type Book Chapter Author Niebuhr U Publisher edition tethys Pages 37-69 Link Publication -
Title René Nebesky-Wojkowitz Type Other Author Niebuhr U Pages 15 Link Publication -
Title René Nebesky-Wojkowitz Type Other Author Niebuhr U Pages 113 Link Publication -
Title Der wissenschaftliche Nachlass von René Nebesky-Wojkowitz Type Other Author Niebuhr U Pages 17 Link Publication -
Title Routledge Handbook of Highland Asia DOI 10.4324/9780429345746-18 Type Book Chapter Publisher Routledge Link Publication -
Title Nebesky-Wojkowitz and Kiranti Studies; In: Exploring Himalayan Cultural and Textual Heritage: The Legacy and Impact of René Nebesky-Wojkowitz Type Book Chapter Author Gaenszle M Publisher Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften -
Title Annotated Catalogue of the Text Collection of René Nebesky-Wojkowitz (1923-1959) at the Weltmuseum Wien Type Book Author Drongshar T Publisher Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien -
Title Exploring Himalayan Cultural and Textual Heritage: The Legacy and Impact of René Nebesky-Wojkowitz Type Book Author Niebuhr U editors Niebuhr U, Gaenszle M, Viehbeck M, Widorn V Publisher Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften -
Title Introduction: René Nebesky-Wojkowitz - Exploring the Cultural and Textual Heritage of the Himalayas; In: Exploring Himalayan Cultural and Textual Heritage: The Legacy and Impact of René Nebesky-Wojkowitz Type Book Chapter Author Niebuhr U Publisher Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften -
Title Recollecting René Nebesky-Wojkowitz - Compiling and Contextualizing his Collection and Documentation from a Multi-Medial and Multidisciplinary Perspective; In: Exploring Himalayan Cultural and Textual Heritage: The Legacy and Impact of René Nebesky-Wojkowitz Type Book Chapter Author Widorn V Publisher Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Title 11th International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS), Leiden, Netherlands Type A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue Link Link -
Title 15th IATS Seminar 2019 in Paris, Panel "The Legacy and Impact of René de Nebesky-Wojkowitz" Type A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue Link Link -
Title 16th IATS Seminar 2022 in Prague, Panel "Between Anthropology and Tibetology: the Czech-Austrian Scholar René Nebesky-Wojkowitz" Type A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue Link Link -
Title 26th European Conference on South Asian Studies (ECSAS), Vienna, Austria Type A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue Link Link -
Title Workshop at the Weltmuseum Wien in Vienna, "Anthropologist and Tibetologist: Symposium on the Occasion of René Nebesky-Wojkowitz' 100th Birth Anniversary" Type Participation in an activity, workshop or similar Link Link -
Title Workshop at the Weltmuseum Wien in Vienna, "Exploring Himalayan Textual Heritage: Symposium in memoriam René Nebesky-Wojkowitz (1923-1959) and his text collections at the Weltmuseum Wien" Type Participation in an activity, workshop or similar Link Link -
Title Workshop by the Nicolaus Copernicus University of Toruń in Bedlewo (Poland), "Current Western Himalayan Research: Gods, Ghosts, Demons and Other Beings" Type A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue -
Title Workshop by the Nicolaus Copernicus University of Toruń in Rzucewo (Poland), "Current Himalayan and Tibetan Research" Type A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue -
Title Workshop Campus Aktuell in Vienna, "Food for the Gods in the Himalayan Region" Type Participation in an activity, workshop or similar Link Link -
Title Workshop Geographies of Exchange: South Asia and Germanophone Europe in New Histories of Knowledge, Zurich, Switzerland Type A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue Link Link -
Title Workshops Aktion AT-CZ in Olomouc (CZ) and Vienna (AT) Type A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue Link Link
Title Senior Fellow, ICAS:MP New Delhi Type Awarded honorary membership, or a fellowship, of a learned society Level of Recognition Continental/International -
Title Urban Heritage Mining Summer School (SAI, Heidelberg/ SOAS London), Kathmandu - Talk Type Personally asked as a key note speaker to a conference Level of Recognition Continental/International -
Title Urban Heritage Mining Summer School (SAI, Heidelberg/ SOAS London), Kathmandu - Talk Type Personally asked as a key note speaker to a conference Level of Recognition Continental/International
Title Fellow Programm Freies Wissen ""Von der individuellen Feldforschung zur nachhaltigen Lehre durch Interaktion und Communityerfahrung" Type Fellowship Start of Funding 2019 Funder Wikimedia Foundation (Germany) -
Title Aktion AT-CZ: From the Himalaya to the Hindukush - on a Critical Approach to Czech and Austrian Research in Asian Borderlands Type Research grant (including intramural programme) Start of Funding 2021 Funder Austria's Agency for Education and Internationalisation -
Title Aktion AT-CZ: From the Himalaya to the Hindukush - on a Critical Approach to Czech and Austrian Research in Asian Borderlands Type Research grant (including intramural programme) Start of Funding 2021 Funder National Agency for Research AKTION Austria - Czech Republic -
Title Exhibition and Workshop "Food for the Gods in the Himalayan Region" - Campus Aktuell 2022 (Verena Widorn) Type Research grant (including intramural programme) Start of Funding 2022 Funder University of Vienna