Benedictines, Church Reform and the State in Austria, 1720-40
Benedictines, Church Reform and the State in Austria, 1720-40
Other Humanities (20%); History, Archaeology (60%); Philosophy, Ethics, Religion (20%)
Republic of Letters,
State Knowledge,
Catholic Enlightenment
For several years, the correspondence and papers of Bernhard (d. 1735) and Hieronymus Pez OSB (d. 1762) have been the subject of scientific inquiry (Austrian Science Fund projects P-16940, Y-390). The two brothers and Benedictine confreres from the Lower Austrian abbey of Melk can justifiably be said to have played a pivotal role in the transformation of knowledge standards in the early 18th century Habsburg lands, both in terms of an evidence-based epistemology of historical scholarship and in terms of new forms of scientific organization, including plans for an imperial academy of sciences. Their importance is documented in part by various conflicts with the Vienna Jesuits, their abbot, the court library and others which reveal the potentiality of dissent raised by issues of knowledge design and application. These aspects shall now be further investigated on the basis of additional sources shedding light on the Austrian Benedictines actual involvement with the political élites in Vienna, Rome, and the Reichskirche. Addressing the tension between the allegedly free exchange of ideas within the Republic of Letters, the specific requirements for a Benedictine history and identity, and the increasing need for expert knowledge displayed by the court and the emerging and gradually centralising state, this project will specifically focus on five areas: the relations of the Benedictines and the Viennese court with the Roman curia; the encounter between Catholic critics of the latter and Protestant state law, equally conceived as a historical discipline; the struggle for a Benedictine and/or imperial academy; the conflict between competing instances of censorship; and finally the Habsburgs need for sound historical expertise on the eve of the Austrian War of Succession. All these topics will be addressed using pieces from the Pez correspondence as well as sources in Vienna, Passau, Rome and Hanover, and the relevant parts of the correspondences of Gottfried Bessel, Johann Benedikt Gentilotti, Oliver Legipont, Anton Steyerer, Wilhelm von Wurmbrand, and others. The outlined research will be connected to the revision and publication of the c. 600 Pez letters after 1719 (that have already been transcribed and summarized within Y-390) as well as to the state-of-the- art digital reworking of the entire Pez correspondence and its integration, together with the digital Pez papers, into a virtual research environment (to be called ePezianum). This effort will help finalize research on the brothers Pez in an updated and sustainable form technologically as well as methodologically.
FWF project Benedictines, Church Reform and the State in Austria, 1720-40 (P-28016) further developed earlier research on Catholic scholarship in Central Europe in the early eighteenth century. Correspondence and papers of the brothers Pez, but now also those of Göttweig abbot Gottfried Bessel, were used to situate Benedictine erudition in its often conflicting intellectual and institutional environments: Deeply rooted in a Catholic reading of Church history, Benedictine scholars nonetheless took their distances from the Church of Rome when it came to imperial politics, and they were part of the discussions about the relation between knowledge and the state. During the project, the editorial work on the Pez letters has been placed in the broader context of digital humanities-related scholarship. Project members contributed to the COST Action Reassembling the Republic of Letters, helped established a dialogue platform for data-oriented projects dealing with early modern Central Europe (Digital Habsburg Platform), and envisioned a workflow for the parallel print and digital publication of the entirety of the Pez material (dQIÖG). Funding is being sought for to bring the editorial efforts to an end during until 2025.
- Universität Wien - 85%
- Institut für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung (seit 01 Jan 2016 Univ Wien) - 15%
- Kai Bremer, Universität Gießen - Germany
- Howard Hotson, University of Oxford - United Kingdom
Research Output
- 26 Citations
- 28 Publications
- 1 Fundings
Title Ferdinand Ludwig Bressler und Aschenburg; In: Schlesische Lebensbilder 12 Type Book Chapter Author Wallnig T Pages 15 -
Title "Magna tua [] in Germanos omnes benignitas": Magliabechi e il mondo germanico; In: Antonio Magliabechi nell'Europa dei saperi Type Book Chapter Author Wallnig T Pages 13 -
Title Maria Theresia? Neue Perspektiven der Forschung Type Book Author Wallnig T editors Wallnig T, Lobenwein E, Seitschek F-S Publisher Winkler Verlag Link Publication -
Title Bernhard Pez: An Austrian Benedictine Scholar between Sacred Antiquarianism and New Practices of Scholarship DOI 10.1163/24055069-00101004 Type Journal Article Author Stockinger T Journal Erudition and the Republic of Letters Pages 79-105 -
Title Cistercienser in der Res Publica Literaria. Überlegungen zu Datenmodellierung Type Journal Article Author Wallnig T Journal Analecta Cisterciensia Pages 299-312 -
Title Kommunikation zwischen Kloster und Welt in Spätmittelalter und Früher Neuzeit Type Book Author Cernusak T editors Cernusak T, Rabl I, Kollermann K -
Title Die Gräfin und der Mönch, oder: sind sich Maria Anna Pignatelli Althann und Bernhard Pez je begegnet? DOI 10.7767/9783205206033-014 Type Book Chapter Author Wallnig P Publisher Brill Osterreich GmbH Pages 289-304 -
Title Achtzehntes Jahrhundert digital: zentraleuropäische Perspektiven DOI 10.7767/9783205209096 Type Book editors Wallnig T, Romberg M, Weis J Publisher Brill Osterreich GmbH Link Publication -
Title smokeSALUD: exploring the effect of demographic change on the smoking prevalence at municipality level in Austria DOI 10.1186/s12942-016-0066-4 Type Journal Article Author Tomintz M Journal International Journal of Health Geographics Pages 36 Link Publication -
Title Amicus, Patronus und TEI. Überlegungen zum Modellieren von Beziehungen anhand von Grußformeln in Gelehrtenbriefen; In: "Für unser Glück und das Glück anderer" Type Book Chapter Author Wallnig T Pages 11 Link Publication -
Title Die Brüder Pez und die Universität Wien - eine Bestandsaufnahme; In: Universität und Kloster Type Book Chapter Author Mayer M Pages 8 Link Publication -
Title Bernhard (1683-1735) und Hieronymus Pez (1685-1762). Kritische Mönche zwischen Orden und Gelehrtenrepublik; In: Benediktiner als Historiker Type Book Chapter Author Wallnig T Pages 11 Link Publication -
Title Distant Reading Austria DOI 10.1515/9783110670561-020 Type Book Chapter Author Wallnig T Publisher De Gruyter Pages 451-472 -
Title „Nach altem Gesetz sollen die Tore der Musen offen stehen“ DOI 10.1515/9783110625240-013 Type Book Chapter Author Peper I Publisher De Gruyter Pages 319-334 -
Title 4.13 Monastische Gelehrtenkorrespondenzen DOI 10.1515/9783110376531-060 Type Book Chapter Author Wallnig T Publisher De Gruyter Pages 790-798 -
Title 3.6 Gelehrtenbriefe DOI 10.1515/9783110376531-031 Type Book Chapter Author Wallnig T Publisher De Gruyter Pages 471-483 -
Title Kirche und Kloester zwischen Aufklarung und administrativen Reformen Type Book Author Debertol Publisher Bohlau Verlag -
Title Bernhard Pez versendet einen Brief DOI 10.1515/9783110598391-014 Type Book Chapter Author Wallnig T Publisher De Gruyter Pages 371-386 -
Title Reassembling the Republic of Letters in the Digital Age DOI 10.17875/gup2019-1146 Type Book editors Hotson H, Wallnig T Publisher Universitatsverlag Gottingen Link Publication -
Title Nutzen und Grenzen des Forschungsparadigmas »Katholische Aufklärung«. Herrschaftslogik und sozialer Wandel im Habsburgerreich am Vorabend der Moderne DOI 10.5771/9783835343719-52 Type Book Chapter Author Göderle W Publisher Nomos Verlag Pages 52-76 -
Title Alcune osservazioni intorno alla Penitenzieria Apostolica, il Sacro 000 Romano Impero e la monarchia asburgica nel XVIII secolo; In: PENITENZA E PENITENZIERIA AL TEMPO DEL GIANSENISMO Type Book Chapter Author Wallnig T Publisher Libreria Editrice Vaticana Pages 9 Link Publication -
Title Enlightenment-Empire: A Difficult Pairing, Viewed from a Habsburg Angle; In: L'Avenir des Lumières/The Future of Enlightenment Type Book Chapter Author Wallnig T Pages 17 -
Title Central European Pasts - Old and New in the Intellectual Culture of Habsburg Europe, 1700-1750 DOI 10.1515/9783110653052 Type Book editors Peper I, Wallnig T Publisher De Gruyter -
Title Central European Pasts - Old and New in the Intellectual Culture of Habsburg Europe, 1700-1750 DOI 10.1515/9783110653052-001 Type Book Chapter Publisher De Gruyter -
Title Central European Pasts - Old and New in the Intellectual Culture of Habsburg Europe, 1700-1750 DOI 10.1515/9783110653052-003 Type Book Chapter Publisher De Gruyter -
Title Central European Pasts - Old and New in the Intellectual Culture of Habsburg Europe, 1700-1750 DOI 10.1515/9783110653052-005 Type Book Chapter Publisher De Gruyter -
Title Leibniz verlässt Wien, ohne eine Akademie gegründet zu haben – was nachher geschah DOI 10.1515/9783110536133-010 Type Book Chapter Author Wallnig T Publisher De Gruyter Pages 175-184 -
Title Monarchia Austriaca und Res publica litteraria als Ressourcen füreinander? DOI 10.14220/9783737009140.191 Type Book Chapter Author Wallnig T Publisher Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Pages 191-198
Title dQIÖG. A Workflow for the Pez Edition in a Hybrid Series Type Capital/infrastructure (including equipment) DOI 10.55776/pud23 Start of Funding 2021 Funder Austrian Science Fund (FWF) Institut für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung