Dynamics of Interference in Wireless Networks
Dynamics of Interference in Wireless Networks
Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Information Engineering (80%); Computer Sciences (20%)
Wireless networks,
Mobile communications,
Ad hoc networks,
The temporal and spatial dynamics of multiple-access interference in wireless networks has significant impact on diversity techniques and protocols. The goal of this project is to gain a deep understanding of interference correlation in the time and space domain and to rigorously analyze its impact on system performance. Taking into account various sources of correlation - node locations, channel, and traffic - we aim at deriving expressions for the correlation coefficient of the overall interference power received at a certain point in space. Based on such expressions, we analyze the overall outage rate and throughput of cooperative diversity schemes.
Devices in wireless communication systems may suffer from interference, which is the superposition of a signal with unwanted signals that disturbs a receiver from receiving and decoding the desired signal. For example, if several devices transmit their data packets simultaneously on the same frequency channel to a base station, packet collisions occur at this base station. Interference management is therefore an essential building block in wireless systems. It performs signal processing of interference and avoids or reduces interference by means of multiple access protocols or scheduling. It is important to note that a receiver is generally not exposed to a constant interference power, but this value varies widely over time and the location of the receiver. The reason for this dynamic behavior is, for example, the mobility of devices and obstacles as well as the varying transmission characteristics. This temporal and spatial dynamics of interference was fundamentally investigated in the project Dynamics of Interference in Wireless Networks funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). We developed stochastic interference models and derived expressions for the reception quality. A deep understanding of interference dynamics is essential for many types of interference management. In order to improve the reliability of wireless transmissions, a signal is often transmitted over several antennas (spatial diversity) or several times in succession (temporal diversity). The performance of such diversity techniques depends on the difference of the interference in the different transmission paths or time instances. If the interference values of two channels are highly correlated, it is useless to send the same signal over both channels, since either both transmissions succeed or both fail. In contrast, diversity methods work well if the transmission paths are independent of each other. The project contributed in several ways toward a theory of interference dynamics: First, we characterized interference signals in various stochastic networks in terms of its correlation and joint probabilities of successful transmissions at different time instants or locations. Second, we developed mathematical tools, so-called interference functionals, which can be employed to calculate a wide range of performance measures in wireless networks. Third, we analyzed diversity techniques and showed that interference dynamics has significant impact on their performance. Our follow-up work exploits the attained knowledge for the purpose of interference prediction in wireless networks.
- Universität Klagenfurt - 100%
Research Output
- 696 Citations
- 28 Publications
Title Calculating the Traffic Density in LPWANs with Finite Retransmissions DOI 10.1109/vtc2024-spring62846.2024.10683081 Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Schilcher U Pages 1-6 -
Title Burstiness of Interference Pikes in Wireless Networks DOI 10.1109/ojvt.2023.3240236 Type Journal Article Author Atiq M Journal IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology Pages 293-309 Link Publication -
Title Autocorrelation and Coherence Time of Interference in Poisson Networks DOI 10.1109/tmc.2019.2912373 Type Journal Article Author Schilcher U Journal IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing Pages 1506-1518 Link Publication -
Title On Interference Dynamics in Matérn Networks DOI 10.1109/tmc.2019.2911498 Type Journal Article Author Schilcher U Journal IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing Pages 1677-1688 Link Publication -
Title Outage Duration in Poisson Networks and its Application to Erasure Codes DOI 10.1109/icc40277.2020.9149297 Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Schilcher U Pages 1-4 Link Publication -
Title On Outage Probabilities With Correlated Locations, Channel, and Traffic in Wireless Networks DOI 10.1109/lcomm.2024.3381213 Type Journal Article Author Schilcher U Journal IEEE Communications Letters Pages 1293-1297 Link Publication -
Title Outage Duration in Poisson Networks and its Application to Erasure Codes DOI 10.48550/arxiv.1911.11490 Type Preprint Author Borkotoky S Link Publication -
Title Interference Prediction in Wireless Networks: Stochastic Geometry meets Recursive Filtering DOI 10.48550/arxiv.1903.10899 Type Preprint Author Schmidt J -
Title Interference Prediction in Wireless Networks: Stochastic Geometry Meets Recursive Filtering DOI 10.1109/tvt.2021.3059032 Type Journal Article Author Schmidt J Journal IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology Pages 2783-2793 Link Publication -
Title On Interference Dynamics in Matérn Networks DOI 10.48550/arxiv.1806.03031 Type Other Author Schilcher U Link Publication -
Title Auto-Correlation and Coherence Time of Interference in Poisson Networks DOI 10.48550/arxiv.1806.01091 Type Preprint Author Schilcher U -
Title How does interference dynamics influence packet delivery in cooperative relaying? DOI 10.1145/2507924.2507926 Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Schilcher U Pages 347-354 Link Publication -
Title Encouraging Device-to-Device Communications to Improve Energy Efficiency in Cellular Systems DOI 10.1109/vtcspring.2016.7504216 Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Schmidt J Pages 1-5 -
Title Exact bit error rate expressions for interference-limited Poisson networks DOI 10.1049/el.2016.2688 Type Journal Article Author Schmidt J Journal Electronics Letters Pages 1961-1963 Link Publication -
Title Global socioeconomic material stocks rise 23-fold over the 20th century and require half of annual resource use DOI 10.1073/pnas.1613773114 Type Journal Article Author Krausmann F Journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Pages 1880-1885 Link Publication -
Title On Interference Pikes in Poisson Networks DOI 10.23919/eusipco.2019.8902721 Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Atiq M Pages 1-5 -
Title Semi-Blind Interference Prediction in Wireless Networks DOI 10.1145/3127540.3127579 Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Atiq M Pages 19-23 Link Publication -
Title Quantifying inhomogeneity of spatial point patterns DOI 10.1016/j.comnet.2016.12.018 Type Journal Article Author Schilcher U Journal Computer Networks Pages 65-81 Link Publication -
Title Underlay Device-to-Device Communications in LTE-A: Uplink or Downlink? DOI 10.1109/pimrc.2015.7343543 Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Schmidt J Pages 1542-1546 -
Title Interference Functionals in Poisson Networks DOI 10.1109/tit.2015.2501799 Type Journal Article Author Schilcher U Journal IEEE Transactions on Information Theory Pages 370-383 Link Publication -
Title Cooperative Relaying Under Spatially and Temporally Correlated Interference DOI 10.1109/tvt.2014.2372633 Type Journal Article Author Crismani A Journal IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology Pages 4655-4669 Link Publication -
Title Underlay device-to-device communications in LTE-A: Uplink or downlink? Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Bettstetter C Et Al Conference Proc. IEEE Intern. Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) -
Title Packet travel times in wireless relay chains under spatially and temporally dependent interference DOI 10.1109/icc.2014.6883617 Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Crismani A Pages 2002-2008 Link Publication -
Title Interference Functionals in Poisson Networks DOI 10.48550/arxiv.1409.8580 Type Preprint Author Schilcher U -
Title Temporal correlation of interference: Cases with correlated traffic. Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Brandner G Et Al Conference Proc. ITG Conf on Systems, Communications and Coding (SCC), Munich, Germany -
Title How Does Interference Dynamics Influence Packet Delivery in Cooperative Relaying? Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Bettstetter C Et Al Conference ACM MSWiM 2013 Konferenz -
Title Packet Travel Times in Wireless Relay Chains under Spatially and Temporally Dependent Interference DOI 10.48550/arxiv.1311.2698 Type Preprint Author Crismani A -
Title Cooperative Relaying in Wireless Networks under Spatially and Temporally Correlated Interference DOI 10.48550/arxiv.1308.0490 Type Preprint Author Crismani A