Forcing, creatures, oracles and large continuum
Forcing, creatures, oracles and large continuum
Mathematics (100%)
Mathematical Logic,
Set Theory,
The theme of the project is the following set theoretical question: Find forcing constructions that result in large continuum without adding Cohen reals. In particular, we investigate mixed limit creature forcing and oracle/preparatory forcings, as well as connections to idealized forcing. We plan to apply such constructions to questions in the following fields: cardinal characteristics of the continuum, the (dual) Borel Conjecture and (point set) topology.
The topic of the project is set theory. Similar to Euclids axiomatization of Geometry more than 2000 years ago, set theory provides an axiomatization of all of modern mathematics: Nowadays, a mathematical statement is generally accepted to be proven exactly if it can be formally proven in set-theoretic axiom system ZFC. Certain statements can neither be proven nor disproven in ZFC, they are called undecidable. Famous examples are the consistency of ZFC (according to the incompleteness theorem), and the Continuum Hypothesis (the statement: every infinite set of reals has a 1-1 correspondence to either the natural numbers or the reals). Set theory provides methods to prove that such statements are undecidable. The most important method is forcing. Since its development by Cohen in the 1960s it has been expanded into a rich and deep theory. The project contributes to the development of forcing theory. In particular, we ask: How can one increase the continuum in a forcing iteration without adding Cohen reals? In course of the projects several scientific articles were published, and a PhD thesis was successfully completed.
- Technische Universität Wien - 100%
Research Output
- 44 Citations
- 22 Publications
Title On cardinal characteristics of Yorioka ideals DOI 10.1002/malq.201800034 Type Journal Article Author Cardona M Journal Mathematical Logic Quarterly Pages 170-199 Link Publication -
Title COHERENT SYSTEMS OF FINITE SUPPORT ITERATIONS DOI 10.1017/jsl.2017.20 Type Journal Article Author Fischer V Journal The Journal of Symbolic Logic Pages 208-236 Link Publication -
Title Projective Measure Without Projective Baire DOI 10.1090/memo/1298 Type Journal Article Author Friedman S Journal Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society -
Title Pitowsky’s Kolmogorovian Models and Super-determinism DOI 10.1007/s10701-016-0049-0 Type Journal Article Author Kellner J Journal Foundations of Physics Pages 132-148 Link Publication -
Title Easton supported Jensen coding and projective measure without projective Baire conditionally. Type Other Author Friedman Sd -
Title LOCAL CLUB CONDENSATION AND L-LIKENESS DOI 10.1017/jsl.2015.6 Type Journal Article Author Holy P Journal The Journal of Symbolic Logic Pages 1361-1378 Link Publication -
Title Creature forcing and five cardinal characteristics in Cichoń's diagram DOI 10.48550/arxiv.1402.0367 Type Other Author Fischer A Link Publication -
Title Projective measure without projective Baire DOI 10.48550/arxiv.1401.6808 Type Other Author Friedman S Link Publication -
Title The left side of Cichon’s diagram DOI 10.1090/proc/13161 Type Journal Article Author Goldstern M Journal Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society Pages 4025-4042 Link Publication -
Title There are no very meager sets in the model in which both the Borel Conjecture and the dual Borel Conjecture are true DOI 10.1002/malq.201600002 Type Journal Article Author Shelah S Journal Mathematical Logic Quarterly Pages 434-438 -
Title Coherent systems of finite support iterations DOI 10.48550/arxiv.1609.05433 Type Preprint Author Fischer V Link Publication -
Title Pitowsky's Kolmogorovian models and Super-Determinism DOI 10.48550/arxiv.1606.06849 Type Other Author Kellner J Link Publication -
Title Creature forcing and five cardinal characteristics in Cichon’s diagram DOI 10.1007/s00153-017-0553-8 Type Journal Article Author Fischer A Journal Archive for Mathematical Logic Pages 1045-1103 Link Publication -
Title Splitting, Bounding, and Almost Disjointness Can Be Quite Different DOI 10.4153/cjm-2016-021-8 Type Journal Article Author Fischer V Journal Canadian Journal of Mathematics Pages 502-531 Link Publication -
Title On cardinal characteristics of Yorioka ideals DOI 10.48550/arxiv.1703.08634 Type Other Author Cardona M Link Publication -
Title Strong Chang's Conjecture and the tree property at ?2 DOI 10.1016/j.topol.2015.05.061 Type Journal Article Author Torres-Pérez V Journal Topology and its Applications Pages 999-1004 Link Publication -
Title Borel computation of names in template iterations DOI 10.48550/arxiv.1504.01938 Type Other Author Mejía D Link Publication -
Title The left side of Cichoń's diagram DOI 10.48550/arxiv.1504.04192 Type Other Author Goldstern M Link Publication -
Title Splitting, Bounding, and Almost Disjointness can be quite Different DOI 10.48550/arxiv.1508.01068 Type Other Author Fischer V Link Publication -
Title The tree property at both ? ?+1 and ? ?+2 DOI 10.4064/fm229-1-3 Type Journal Article Author Fontanella L Journal Fundamenta Mathematicae Pages 83-100 -
Title Borel conjecture and dual Borel conjecture DOI 10.1090/s0002-9947-2013-05783-2 Type Journal Article Author Goldstern M Journal Transactions of the American Mathematical Society Pages 245-307 Link Publication -
Title Non elementary proper forcing. Type Journal Article Author Kellner J