Unleashing the hidden potential of the anaerobic fungi
Unleashing the hidden potential of the anaerobic fungi
DACH: Österreich - Deutschland - Schweiz
Biology (80%); Environmental Biotechnology (20%)
Anaerobic Fungi,
Molecular Tools,
Continuous Cultivation,
Growth Requirements
The microorganisms thriving in the ruminants digestive tract deliver the metabolic potential for degrading recalcitrant lignocellulose-rich organic matter and rendering it digestible. Amongst the microbiota thriving in the rumen, anaerobic fungi (AF) with the unpronounceable name Neocallimastigomycota host a complex array of enzymes that are especially adapted for degradation of lignocellulosic biomass like straw. In addition, their appressoria attach to the macromolecule structures and physically penetrate them, thus enhancing the enzymatic action. Cultivation of these fungi has often ended in frustration for researchers as the understanding of cultivation requirements is very poor. However, scientists see the great potential of these organisms for biotechnological use, in particular for the utilization of lignocellulosic residues (LCR) in closed loop recycling management. For this project, a consortium from Austria (leading agency; PI: Dr. Sabine Marie Podmirseg), Germany (PI: Dr. Michael Lebuhn) and Switzerland (PI: Prof. Urs Baier), all engaged in the harnessing of AF, is cooperating in close connection with research groups in the United Kingdom and in the Czech Republic. The overarching aim of the proposed project will be to remove existing methodological obstacles preventing the biotechnological utilization of anaerobic fungi. For that purpose, the consortium starts with the crucial basics, explores the cultivation requirements of Neocallimastigomycota, develops suitable culturing and detection methods and finally evaluates their biotechnological application for LCR disintegration. The working hypotheses are, amongst others: (i) the ecological niche for AF is larger than assumed to date; (ii) distinct requirements for micronutrients or supplements have to be met for long-time cultivation; (iii) cultivation without rumen fluid is possible for many strains; (iv) novel AF can be isolated from various also non-rumen habitats. The project will combine classical microbiological methods (microscopy, batch and continuous cultivation, enzymology) with molecular approaches (fluorescence in situ hybridization, quantitative PCR, direct RNA and next generation sequencing). It is expected to develop suitable protocols for the cultivation of anaerobic fungi and provide the basics for up-scaled production. The projects goal is to enable researchers and the society to make use of the AF for energetic and material use of LCR.
With more than 200 million tons generated world-wide, lignocellulosic waste (especially plant biomass) is one of the most abundant waste streams available. Turning this waste into renewable energy is crucial for achieving a sustainable, circular economy. Unfortunately, breaking down plant material, especially in oxygen-free environments like biogas reactors, is notoriously difficult. Cows and other herbivores, however, have all along been efficiently transforming plant biomass into energy. How? Well, herbivores have an ace up their guts: Neocallimastigomycota, the only fungal group known to thrive strictly under anoxic (oxygen-free) conditions, are experts in plant matter decomposition. Despite their potential our understanding of anaerobic gut fungi (AGF) is limited. Knowledge on their distribution in herbivorous host animals, on how to cultivate them continuously, and how to effectively detect and characterize them, is spotty. A teamofscientistsfrom Austria (Universität Innsbruck), Germany (LFL Freising, TU München, CeBiTec Bielefeld), and Switzerland (ZHAW) set out tochangethat. Joined by renowned researchers from the United Kingdom (IBERS) and the Czech Republic (IAPG), the "HiPoAF" team aimed to close fundamental knowledge gaps to eventually unleash the "high potential of anaerobic fungi". They investigated and optimized cultivation conditions, looked into effective preservation methods, optimized existing and developed complementary detection techniques. Main accomplishments include a standardized cultivation and preservation protocol, a novel AGF specific primer system, a reactor system optimized for continuous AGF growth, a global AGF habitat survey and first successes in the development of novel detection techniques (HCR-FISH,NIR spectrometry, mass spectrometry anddigital droplet PCR). In addition to their scientific endeavors, the HiPoAF team actively engaged in the international Anaerobic Fungi Network (www.anaerobicfungi.org), leading to a number of successful joint adventures and acknowledgement of AGF expertise on an international stage. Several national and international collaborations arose partially due to the HiPoAF team's active scientific outreach activities, e.g. the project homepage (https://www.hipoaf.com/home), a radio show, and considerable contribution in the organization of the first international AGF conference (IAFC2022). The HiPoAF team emphasized the importance of educating students, sprouting four PhD-, seven Master- and eight Bachelor theses and seven student apprenticeships. AGF are now well integrated in teaching at Universität Innsbruck and ZHAW, and even in the projected Science Center (https://www.mikrobalpina.org/en/) that shall be installed in Austria (near Innsbruck). While the unpronounceable name of this fascinating microbial group might slip the memory of the visitors there, the potential of Neocallimastigomycota for sustainable energy production certainly will not. Finally, illuminatingsome basic knowledge gaps in AGF research, the HiPoAFconsortiumwas abletotake one step ahead and acquire funding fora subsequent project (www.hipoaf.com), aiming at implementing thesesuccessful biomass degraders in biogas production from lignocellulosic wastes.
- Universität Innsbruck - 100%
- Katerina Fliegerova, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic - Czechia
- Michael Lebuhn, Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten (StMELF) - Germany
- Urs Baier, Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften - Switzerland
- Gareth W. Griffith, Aberystwyth University - United Kingdom
Research Output
- 172 Citations
- 27 Publications
- 2 Datasets & models
- 1 Scientific Awards
- 3 Fundings
Title Editorial for Special Issue “Unleashing the Hidden Potential of Anaerobic Fungi” DOI 10.3390/microorganisms11030652 Type Journal Article Author Lebuhn M Journal Microorganisms Pages 652 Link Publication -
Title Patterns and determinants of the global herbivorous mycobiome DOI 10.21203/rs.3.rs-2302734/v1 Type Preprint Author Meili C Link Publication -
Title Patterns and determinants of the global herbivorous mycobiome DOI 10.1101/2022.11.21.517404 Type Preprint Author Meili C Pages 2022.11.21.517404 Link Publication -
Title Why eDNA fractions need consideration in biomonitoring DOI 10.1111/1755-0998.13658 Type Journal Article Author Nagler M Journal Molecular Ecology Resources Pages 2458-2470 Link Publication -
Title Characterization and rank assignment criteria for the anaerobic fungi (Neocallimastigomycota). DOI 10.1099/ijsem.0.005449 Type Journal Article Author Elshahed M Journal International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology Link Publication -
Title Patterns and determinants of the global herbivorous mycobiome DOI 10.1038/s41467-023-39508-z Type Journal Article Author Meili C Journal Nature Communications Pages 3798 Link Publication -
Title Meet & Breed: Detection and Maintenance of Neocallimastigomycota Type Other Author Vinzelj J -
Title Spectra: a novel method for AF identification Type Other Author Neurauter M -
Title MALDI TOF and DART mass spectrometry as novel tools for classification of anaerobic gut fungi strains Type Other Author Neurauter M -
Title Spotlight on anaerobic fungi: HCR-FISH as detection method for Neocallimastigomycota Type Other Author Karrer M -
Title Exploring near-infrared spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging as novel characterization methods for anaerobic gut fungi DOI 10.1093/femsmc/xtae025 Type Journal Article Author Neurauter M Journal FEMS Microbes Link Publication -
Title Unveiling the Potential of Anaerobic Fungi with Syntrophic Microbes for Fibre Degradation Type Other Author Joshi A -
Title The Effect of a High-Grain Diet on the Rumen Microbiome of Goats with a Special Focus on Anaerobic Fungi DOI 10.3390/microorganisms9010157 Type Journal Article Author Fliegerova K Journal Microorganisms Pages 157 Link Publication -
Title No time to die : comparative study on preservation protocols for anaerobic fungi DOI 10.21256/zhaw-25752 Type Other Author Joshi Link Publication -
Title Medium without CRF for Neocallimastigomycota v1 DOI 10.17504/protocols.io.36wgq779kvk5/v1 Type Preprint Author Vinzelj J -
Title Effect of growth media on the diversity of Neocallimastigomycetes from non-rumen habitats DOI 10.21256/zhaw-25803 Type Other Author Joshi Link Publication -
Title Simultaneous metabarcoding and quantification of neocallimastigomycetes from environmental samples : insights into community composition and novel lineages DOI 10.21256/zhaw-25733 Type Other Author Joshi Link Publication -
Title Making Them Shine: Detection of Anaerobic Fungi Type Other Author Stocker S -
Title Live and Let Die: Resting Stages of Anaerobic Fungi Type Other Author Sonderegger L -
Title Editorial for special issue "Unleashing the Hidden Potential of Anaerobic Fungi" DOI 10.21256/zhaw-29485 Type Other Author Lebuhn Link Publication -
Title Patterns and determinants of the global herbivorous mycobiome DOI 10.60692/krtx7-7b245 Type Other Author Adrienne L. Jones Link Publication -
Title Patterns and determinants of the global herbivorous mycobiome DOI 10.60692/4zrny-n0t14 Type Other Author Adrienne L. Jones Link Publication -
Title No time to die: Comparative study on preservation protocols for anaerobic fungi DOI 10.3389/fmicb.2022.978028 Type Journal Article Author Vinzelj J Journal Frontiers in Microbiology Pages 978028 Link Publication -
Title Effect of Growth Media on the Diversity of Neocallimastigomycetes from Non-Rumen Habitats DOI 10.3390/microorganisms10101972 Type Journal Article Author Joshi A Journal Microorganisms Pages 1972 Link Publication -
Title Simultaneous Metabarcoding and Quantification of Neocallimastigomycetes from Environmental Samples: Insights into Community Composition and Novel Lineages DOI 10.3390/microorganisms10091749 Type Journal Article Author Young D Journal Microorganisms Pages 1749 Link Publication -
Title Employing anaerobic fungi in biogas production: challenges & opportunities DOI 10.1016/j.biortech.2019.122687 Type Journal Article Author Vinzelj J Journal Bioresource Technology Pages 122687 -
Title The Biotechnological Potential of Anaerobic Gut Fungi DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-49924-2_17 Type Book Chapter Author Flad V Publisher Springer Nature Pages 413-437
Title Patterns and determinants of the global herbivorous mycobiome DOI 10.6084/m9.figshare.22659349 Type Database/Collection of data Public Access Link Link -
Title Patterns and determinants of the global herbivorous mycobiome DOI 10.6084/m9.figshare.22659349.v1 Type Database/Collection of data Public Access Link Link
Title Best Poster Awards ISAM2023 Type Poster/abstract prize Level of Recognition Continental/International
Title Interreg ABH016 - FUNGAS Type Research grant (including intramural programme) Start of Funding 2023 Funder Europäischer Fonds für regionale Entwicklung (EFRE) Interreg VI-A Programm -
Title Unleashing the hidden potential of the anaerobic fungi Type Research grant (including intramural programme) Start of Funding 2019 Funder Austrian Science Fund (FWF) -
Title 1669 Reise- und Forschungsstipendien Type Travel/small personal Start of Funding 2021 Funder University of Innsbruck