Analytic methods for the distribution of rational points
Analytic methods for the distribution of rational points
Nick Rome
(ORCID: 0000-0002-3422-2926)
Matching Funds - Steiermark
Mathematics (100%)
Rational points,
Arithmetic statistics,
Analytic Number Theory,
Diophantine equations
Evidence of human civilisations searching for integer solutions to polynomial equations dates back over 3500 years, and it remains a problem of central importance in modern number theory. In this project, we are concerned with how likely it is that a ``randomly chosen" equation has a solution, and if it does have a solution, how many solutions are there? We aim to give precise quantitative answers to these questions, building new conjectures and expanding the scope of well established conjectures in the field by exploring examples at their limits.
Research institution(s)
- Technische Universität Graz - 100%
Research Output
- 1 Publications
Title Weak approximation on the norm one torus DOI 10.1112/s0010437x24007103 Type Journal Article Author Koymans P Journal Compositio Mathematica Pages 1304-1348 Link Publication