The FWF documents all suspected cases and publishes the statistics in anonymized form. Between January 1, 2008 and December 31, 2024, a total of 112 suspected cases in connection with persons who submitted research applications to the FWF or were involved in them were reported, out of almost 41,000 applications decided upon during this period.

In 58 cases, no misconduct was identified following the review. In 38 cases, a violation was identified and sanctions were imposed depending on the extent of the violation. These range from cautionary letters, requests for corrections/retractions, and application bans at the FWF to project cancellations and repayment of funds.

42% of the cases were detected by the FWF, 58% of the suspected cases were brought to the FWF’s attention by external whistleblowers.

1. Receipt of suspected cases of non-compliance with the guidelines for good scientific practice (by type of alleged violation)

Type of alleged violation 2008–2024
Authorship without contribution 1
Discrimination in professional advancement 3
Falsification or invention of research findings 3
Obstruction/sabotage of research 7
Multiple use of own research results without appropriate citation (self-plagiarism) 17
Use of third-party ideas without indication of origin 34
Insufficient documentation of research findings 9
Denial of authorship despite contribution 10
Alteration of research findings 3
Violation of research ethics 5
Misuse of research funds 14
Miscellaneous 6
Total 112

2. Measures taken in response to the suspected cases

Type of alleged violation Procedure in progress Procedure discontinued Cautionary letter Corrections/ Retractions


of funds
Project cancellation
Authorship without contribution 1
Discrimination in professional advancement 3
Falsification or invention of research findings 1 1 1
Obstruction/sabotage of research 7
Multiple use of own research results without making this clear (self-plagiarism) 4 7 4 3
Use of third-party ideas without indication of origin 2 18 11 3
Insufficient documentation of research findings 6 1 2
Denial of authorship despite contribution 1 3 3 2 1
Alteration of research findings 3
Violation of research ethics 1 4
Misuse of research funds 1 8 4 1
Miscellaneous 1 3 1
Total 16 58 25 4 7 1 1

A discontinuation generally means that there were insufficient grounds for further action. It should be noted that the FWF, as an independent body, strives to take the interests of both the complainant and the researcher concerned into account. This means that all information is investigated without prejudice.

Application bans range from one to several years.

In 17 cases, the allegation was so serious that it was referred to the Austrian Agency for Research Integrity (OeAWI) and measures were taken on the basis of the recommendations made by the OeAWI.

3. Suspected cases by discipline

Disciplines Quantity
Mathematics 5
Computer Science 2
Physics 16
Chemistry 7
Geosciences 3
Technical sciences 8
Biology 26
Medicine 17
Social sciences 8
Humanities 19
Other disciplines 1

The distribution by discipline corresponds roughly to the distribution of applications submitted to the FWF.

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