Automatic structures among computable structures
Automatic structures among computable structures
Computer Sciences (5%); Mathematics (95%)
Computable Structure,
Decidable Structure,
Finite Automata,
Algorithmic Complexity,
Pushdown Automata,
Index Set
The aim of this project is to study the algorithmic properties of structures presentable by various types of automata. In each case such structures form a subclass of computable structures. We intend to study differences and similarities that arise when comparing the behavior of automatically presentable structures with that of all computable structures. Computable presentations of a structure illustrate the approach to represent infinite structures in a finite manner. Finite presentations of infinite structures play an important role in logic and computer science. In such cases one often requires effective semantics for structures. To achieve this one may use presentations of structures by various types of finite automata. In the first part of the proposed research project we deal with structures presentable by finite automata. The questions we pose may be considered as analogues of the corresponding questions from computable model theory. Namely, we state questions about the complexity of descriptions of classes of structures presentable by finite automata, and of various equivalence relations on classes of such structures. We also formulate questions on properties of automatically presentable structures with various important model-theoretic properties (prime, saturated, countably categorical, uncountably categorical). Furthermore, we suggest a new definition of structures presentable by pushdown automata. We state some problems that arise in this field (mostly, motivated by similar questions in computable model theory). Among others: complexity of the theory of a structure presentable by a pushdown automaton, complexity of other models of such a theory. We also aim to find a characterization of pushdown automatically presentable structures with particular algebraic and model-theoretic properties.
Many objects studied in Mathematics can be seen as structures consisting of a set and relations between elements of this set, and/or functions on the set. In this project we consider effectively given infinite structures. It mean, that there is an algorithm, or a program for a computer, which step by step outputs a larger and large piece of the structure and the corresponding relations and functions on the revealed elements. We investigate how algorithmic properties of such infinite but effectively given objects depend on their mathematical (algebraic, structural) properties.
- Technische Universität Wien - 100%
- Pavel Semukhin, Universität Wien , national collaboration partner
- Markus Lohrey, Universität Siegen - Germany
- Bakhadyr Khoussainov, The University of Auckland - New Zealand
Research Output
- 142 Citations
- 7 Publications
Title On the privacy of mental health apps DOI 10.1007/s10664-022-10236-0 Type Journal Article Author Iwaya L Journal Empirical Software Engineering Pages 2 Link Publication -
Title Equivalence Relations That Are Complete for Computable Reducibility DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-32621-9_2 Type Book Chapter Author Fokina E Publisher Springer Nature Pages 26-33 -
Title LINEAR ORDERS REALIZED BY C.E. EQUIVALENCE RELATIONS DOI 10.1017/jsl.2015.11 Type Journal Article Author Fokina E Journal The Journal of Symbolic Logic Pages 463-482 -
Title Categoricity Spectra for Rigid Structures DOI 10.1215/00294527-3322017 Type Journal Article Author Fokina E Journal Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic Pages 45-57 Link Publication -
Title Computable model theory DOI 10.1017/cbo9781107338579.006 Type Book Chapter Author Fokina E Publisher Cambridge University Press (CUP) Pages 124-194 -
Title Index Sets for n-Decidable Structures Categorical Relative to m-Decidable Presentations DOI 10.1007/s10469-015-9353-6 Type Journal Article Author Fokina E Journal Algebra and Logic Pages 336-341 -
Title Classes of structures with universe a subset of ?1 DOI 10.1093/logcom/ext042 Type Journal Article Author Fokina E Journal Journal of Logic and Computation Pages 1249-1265