Edition of Arthur Schnitzler’s Literary Correspondence II
Edition of Arthur Schnitzler’s Literary Correspondence II
Other Humanities (25%); Arts (20%); Linguistics and Literature (55%)
Arthur Schnitzler,
Correspondence edition,
Vienna modernism,
Felix Salten,
Jung Wien
Arthur Schnitzler is among the most important Austrian authors and was a prolific and well- connected letter-writer. However, his correspondence has only been published in part. The project expands the digital edition of his correspondence with fellow writers (https://schnitzler- briefe.acdh.oeaw.ac.at) edited between 20182021. It will make the following seven hitherto unpublished correspondences available in a critical digital edition: The complete exchanges with Felix Salten (18691945), Paul Goldmann (18651935), Gustav Schwarzkopf (18531939), Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach (18301916), Auguste Hauschner (18501924), Marie Herzfeld (1855 1940) and Karin Michaelis (18721950). In total, these will be 1,500 letters. Their edition will include facsimiles and critical transcriptions, as well as further development of the several digital tools developed within the first project, including the the web service PMB (https://pmb.acdh.oeaw.ac.at) with nearly 20,000 entities (persons, places, locations, organisations events) and the Schnitzler diary online (https://schnitzler-tagebuch.acdh.oeaw.ac.at) which is already closely integrated into the letter edition and provides highly interesting material for comparative analysis. The data created is specifically prepared for re-use and long-term availability. The project will enable and include research on scholarly aspects, most importantly, on intertextuality in Schnitzlers writings, the creation of his public personae, prosopographical analysis, and a contribution to correspondence studies. Thus the project will reach two milestones in Schnitzler-correspondence edition: Adding the correspondences with Salten, Schwarzkopf and Goldmann to the exchanges with Bahr, Beer-Hofmann, Hofmannsthal already edited, it will be possible for the first time to grasp Schnitzlers professional network at his literary beginnings in its entirety. Also, all the total of the authors correspondences with female writers will be available to research.
The project, running from 2021 to 2024, aimed to expand and refine the existing digital edition of Arthur Schnitzler's literary correspondence. Building on the first phase, the second project successfully added 1,038 new letters from Schnitzler's exchanges with various prominent literary figures, such as Paul Goldmann, Felix Salten, Auguste Hauschner, Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, Else Lasker-Schüler, and Karin Michalis, making these documents accessible online. The achievements include: Digital Access and Enhancements: The project made significant improvements to its digital infrastructure, including a revamped website for long-term access, interactive graphs and maps of correspondences, and new download formats (PDF, EPUB). Integration with other online resources, such as Schnitzler's diary and other correspondence databases, has also been implemented. Expanded Research Resources: - Schnitzler's Diary (https://schnitzler-tagebuch.acdh.oeaw.ac.at): This was updated to include mentions of over 4,700 literary and artistic works. - Reading List (https://schnitzler-lektueren.acdh.oeaw.ac.at): Previously available only in print, this was digitized for broader access and merged with the Diary's indices to create a comprehensive resource on Schnitzler's reading habits. - Travel Documentation (https://schnitzler-orte.acdh.oeaw.ac.at): Schnitzler's movements have been mapped and made accessible through a dedicated platform. - Entity Database (https://pmb.acdh.oeaw.ac.at): The "Vienna 1900" database was significantly expanded, now covering over 75,000 entities related to people, places, organizations, events, and works, aiding in historical research. - Collaborative and Spin-Off Projects: The project spurred related initiatives, including the digitization of the memoirs of Schnitzler's partner, Clara Katharina Pollaczek; the publication of two printed volumes of Schnitzler's interviews, letters to the editor, and opinion pieces; and the digital release of Schnitzler's Cambridge papers from the microfilms (https://schnitzler-mikrofilme.acdh.oeaw.ac.at). Scholarly Contributions and Public Engagement: The project contributed to academic presentations, workshops, and articles and has made research results publicly accessible through thousands of Wikipedia edits, ensuring a broad reach. In summary, the project successfully digitized and contextualized a significant portion of Schnitzler's correspondence, enhancing resources available for both scholars and the public. Through extensive collaboration and technological upgrades, this phase has contributed substantially to preserving and understanding Schnitzler's public persona and legacy.
Research Output
- 18 Publications
- 3 Datasets & models
- 1 Fundings
Title Josefine Mutzenbacher : Ein pornographischer Roman von Ernst Klein? DOI 10.3726/jig551_11 Type Journal Article Author Untner L Journal Jahrbuch für Internationale Germanistik Pages 1-28 -
Title Arthur Schnitzler in Great Britain: An Examination of Power and Translation by Nicole Robertson (review) DOI 10.1353/aus.2023.a919438 Type Journal Article Author Müller M Journal Austrian Studies Pages 225-227 -
Title Hofmannsthal - Jahrbuch zur europäischen Moderne - 30 | 2022 DOI 10.5771/9783968219257-7 Type Book Chapter Publisher Rombach Wissenschaft - ein Verlag in der Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft -
Title Barbara Beßlich: Das Junge Wien im Alter. Spätwerke (neben) der Moderne (1905-1938). Wien, Köln, Weimar: Böhlau 2021, 408 S. DOI 10.3726/jig541_299 Type Journal Article Author Müller A Journal Jahrbuch für Internationale Germanistik -
Title Martha Berger - Chronik eines Leidensbuches; In: Hermann Bahr und Salzburg Type Book Chapter Author Müller Publisher Anton Pustet Pages 84-96 -
Title Arthur Schnitzler als widerwilliger Promi Type Journal Article Author Müller Journal Der Standard Link Publication -
Title Arthur Schnitzler - Chronik Type Other Author Müller Ma Link Publication -
Title Gruppenbild mit Mendl. Wieso auf einer ikonischen Schnellfotografie Jung-Wiens Hugo von Hofmannsthal nicht zu sehen ist und wie Richard Beer-Hofmann fast die ‘Ankerbrot’-Fabrik finanziert hat: Group portrait with Mendl. Why Hugo von Hofmannsthal is n DOI 10.54103/1593-2508/23736 Type Journal Article Author Müller M Journal Studia austriaca Pages 59-78 Link Publication -
Title Paul Goldmann und Arthur Schnitzler. Von Freund und Förderer zu Verräter und Jugenderinnerung: Paul Goldmann and Arthur Schnitzler. From friend and supporter to betrayer and youth recollection DOI 10.54103/1593-2508/23734 Type Journal Article Author Untner L Journal Studia austriaca Pages 5-42 Link Publication -
Title Using GitHub for digital editions. From Transkribus to static websites DOI 10.5281/zenodo.11609624 Type Other Author Andorfer P Link Publication -
Title Als Schnitzler eine Kampagne für Der Schleier der Beatrice fuhr und diese im Prozess Bahr gegen Kraus nachhallte DOI 10.7767/9783205219811.71 Type Book Chapter Author Müller M Publisher Brill Osterreich Pages 71-84 -
Title Die „Jung-Wiener Dichtergalerie“1 in den Rechtsakten von Karl Kraus. Peter Altenberg, Felix Salten und Hermann Bahr DOI 10.7767/9783205219811.85 Type Book Chapter Author Untner L Publisher Brill Osterreich Pages 85-98 -
Title "Das Zeitlose ist von kürzester Dauer": Interviews, Meinungen und Proteste 1891–1931 DOI 10.46500/83535471 Type Book Publisher Wallstein Verlag Link Publication -
Title PMB - Personen der Moderne Basis Type Other Author Andorfer P Link Publication -
Title Karl Kraus-Handbuch - Leben - Werk - Wirkung DOI 10.1007/978-3-476-05804-1_30 Type Book Chapter Publisher J.B. Metzler -
Title "My house is my Nachtkastl". Ein chronologisches Inventar der Kunstobjekte Arthur Schnitzlers; In: Arthur Schnitzler und die bildende Kunst Type Book Chapter Author Ilgner J Publisher Ergon Pages 95-151 Link Publication -
Title Lektüren Type Other Author Arthur Schnitzler Link Publication -
Title Arthur Schnitzler und ich Type Other Author Pollaczek Ck Link Publication
Title PMB Personen der Moderne Basis Type Database/Collection of data Public Access Link Link -
Title Arthur Schnitzler - Mikroverfilmung des Cambridger Nachlasses Type Database/Collection of data Public Access Link Link -
Title Arthur Schnitzler - Archiv der Zeitungsausschnitte Type Database/Collection of data Public Access Link Link
Title PUB 979 Type Capital/infrastructure (including equipment) DOI 10.13039/501100002428 Start of Funding 2022 Funder Austrian Science Fund (FWF)