Matching Funds - Oberösterreich
Mathematics (100%)
Algebraic Geometry,
Combinatorial Rigidity Theory,
In our society, robots are playing an increasingly important role and there are many challenging open problems in robotics of a both theoretical and practical nature. Our goal is to study robots that perform complicated motions with two degrees of freedom, by decomposing these motions into revolutions along axes. We are interested in the curves or surfaces that are traced by a point on the robot as it performs its motion. Our point of view is the one of kinematics and thus we do not take speed or forces into account. In kinematics, a robot is considered as a linkage which is a collection of rigid bodies called links whose relative displacements are constrained by joints. Watt`s linkage is a type of mechanical linkage invented by James Watt around 1785 for his steam engine as it converts a rotational motion to an approximate straight-line motion. It was thought to be impossible to construct linkages with revolute joints that trace out a straight line segment exactly. However, such linkages were constructed by Sarrus, Peaucellier and Lipkin eighty years later. Scientists must have been astonished when Kempe described in 1876 a method that constructs for any given planar algebraic curve a linkage that traces out a portion of this curve. A recent version of Kempe`s universality theorem states that any surface in space is the trajectory of a linkage with only revolute joints. There are also methods for constructing a linkage for a given trajectory. However, examples suggest that the constructed linkages are more complicated than necessary. The horizon of this project is to construct a linkage with a minimal number of revolute joints that has any given curve or surface in space as trajectory. Towards this goal, we consider trajectories of linkages that are defined by bar-joint-frameworks of mobility at most two and we assume that these frameworks can be made rigid by adding only one bar. Thus, somewhat paradoxically, our goal is closely related to a problem in combinatorial rigidity theory: bounding the number of realizations of minimally rigid graphs. Another related objective is to characterize the geometry of linkages that are of mobility at most two. For example, we want to determine whether there exists a cyclic linkage of mobility two with five revolute joints and one prismatic joint such that no two axes are parallel and no three revolute axes are concurrent. We combine algebro geometric methods and combinatorial methods from both kinematics and rigidity theory.
In order to gain insight into motions of robots, the first objective of this project was to study trajectories of vertices of graphs that move in the plane. We call such moving graphs "calligraphs" and their trajectories are called "coupler curves". Their origins can be traced back to at least 1785, when James Watt used a calligraph to convert a rotational motion to an approximate straight-line motion for his steam engine. The project funded, in addition to the project leader, three external postdocs, and they are coauthors of three subsequent publications on coupler curves of calligraphs. The first publication uniquely assigns to each calligraph a vector consisting of three integers. This vector characterizes invariants of its associated planar coupler curve and links these invariants to the number of realizations of so called minimally rigid graphs. Such rigid graphs are well-known within the rigidity community and have applications in natural science and engineering. The second publication generalizes these results to calligraphs that move in the sphere instead of the plane and the third publication investigates the number of components of planar coupler curves. The first publication closely follows the initially proposed methods, although the proofs turned out to be much more challenging than expected. We did not foresee the use of the moduli space of stable rational curves with marked points for calligraphs in the sphere. Such moduli spaces are of recent interest in algebraic geometry. The horizon of this project is to find a linkage with a minimal number of links and revolute joints that has a given compact surface as trajectory. This turned out to be an unrealistic goal within the assigned four years, but we made considerable progress by the following readjustment of the remaining project objectives. The most basic linkages, namely linkages with at most two revolute joints, have either spheres or tori as trajectories. Spheres and tori of revolution are examples of "celestial surfaces", namely surfaces containing at least two circles through each point. Such embedded surfaces are of interest in kinematics, architecture and computer vision. We investigated combinatorial and topological aspects of celestial surfaces in six publications. In particular, in cooperation with the University of Innsbruck, we classified celestial surfaces as an application of an improved factorization method for bivariate quaternionic polynomials. Such polynomials play a central role in kinematics. The remaining publications funded by this project investigate curves on surfaces that behave like lines in the plane. In cooperation with the Johannes Keppler Unversity, we investigated automorphism of such surfaces and our results are of interest in geometric modeling. Another unforeseen outcome of this project are theorems on webs of curves on surfaces and we plan their further investigation.
- Zijia Li, Universität Linz , national collaboration partner
- Georg Grasegger, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften , national collaboration partner
- Josef Schicho, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften , national collaboration partner
Research Output
- 26 Citations
- 21 Publications
- 8 Software
- 2 Scientific Awards
Title Bivariate quaternionic factorizations and surfaces that decompose into two circles Type Other Author Frischauf J Link Publication -
Title Self-intersections of surfaces that contain two circles through each point Type Other Author Lubbes N Link Publication -
Title Webs of rational curves on real surfaces and a classification of real weak del Pezzo surfaces DOI 10.1112/jlms.12379 Type Journal Article Author Lubbes N Journal Journal of the London Mathematical Society Pages 398-448 Link Publication -
Title Computing the Non-properness Set of Real Polynomial Maps in the Plane DOI 10.1007/s10013-023-00652-0 Type Journal Article Author El Hilany B Journal Vietnam Journal of Mathematics Pages 1-31 Link Publication -
Title On Galois groups of type-1 minimally rigid graphs DOI 10.48550/arxiv.2306.04392 Type Preprint Author Makhul M -
Title Coupler curves of moving graphs and counting realizations of rigid graphs DOI 10.1090/mcom/3886 Type Journal Article Author Grasegger G Journal Mathematics of Computation Pages 459-504 Link Publication -
Title Calligraphs and sphere realizations DOI 10.48550/arxiv.2308.15305 Type Preprint Author Gallet M -
Title Coupler curves of moving graphs and counting realizations of rigid graphs DOI 10.48550/arxiv.2205.02612 Type Preprint Author Grasegger G -
Title Computing the non-properness set of real polynomial maps in the plane DOI 10.48550/arxiv.2101.05245 Type Preprint Author Hilany B -
Title A new line-symmetric mobile infinity-pod DOI 10.5802/cml.81 Type Journal Article Author Gallet M Journal Confluentes Mathematici Pages 35-47 Link Publication -
Title Surfaces that are covered by two pencils of circles DOI 10.1007/s00209-021-02713-x Type Journal Article Author Lubbes N Journal Mathematische Zeitschrift Pages 1445-1472 -
Title A new line-symmetric mobile infinity-pod DOI 10.48550/arxiv.2103.16472 Type Preprint Author Gallet M -
Title Reconstruction of rational ruled surfaces from their silhouettes DOI 10.1016/j.jsc.2020.08.002 Type Journal Article Author Gallet M Journal Journal of Symbolic Computation Pages 366-380 Link Publication -
Title Translational and great Darboux cyclides DOI 10.5802/crmath.603 Type Journal Article Author Lubbes N Journal Comptes Rendus. Mathématique Pages 413-448 Link Publication -
Title Calibrating figures DOI 10.1016/j.cagd.2024.102365 Type Journal Article Author Lubbes N Journal Computer Aided Geometric Design Pages 102365 Link Publication -
Title Calibrating Figures DOI 10.48550/arxiv.2312.03354 Type Other Author Lubbes N Link Publication -
Title Möbius automorphisms of surfaces with many circles DOI 10.4153/s0008414x20000693 Type Journal Article Author Lubbes N Journal Canadian Journal of Mathematics -
Title The shape of surfaces that contain a great and a small circle through each point Type Other Author Lubbes N Link Publication -
Title Counting isolated points outside the image of a polynomial map DOI 10.1515/advgeom-2021-0042 Type Journal Article Author Hilany B Journal Advances in Geometry Pages 355-374 Link Publication -
Title Projective isomorphisms between rational surfaces DOI 10.1016/j.jalgebra.2021.11.045 Type Journal Article Author Jüttler B Journal Journal of Algebra Pages 571-596 Link Publication -
Title A note on polynomial maps having fibers of maximal dimension DOI 10.4064/cm8162-8-2020 Type Journal Article Author El Hilany B Journal Colloquium Mathematicum Pages 129-136
Title Celestial surfaces Link Link -
Title Translational and great Darboux cyclides Link Link -
Title Celestial singularities Link Link -
Title Calligraphs and counting realizations of minimally rigid graphs DOI 10.5281/zenodo.6421147 Link Link -
Title Moebius-aut Link Link -
Title Surface Equivalence Link Link -
Title Calligraphs and counting realizations of minimally rigid graphs DOI 10.5281/zenodo.8297812 Link Link -
Title NS-Lattice Link Link
Title Singular loci and topology of surfaces containing two circles through each point Type Personally asked as a key note speaker to a conference Level of Recognition Continental/International -
Title The shapes of surfaces that contain many circles Type Personally asked as a key note speaker to a conference Level of Recognition Continental/International