CME activity of the Sun in different evolutionary stages
CME activity of the Sun in different evolutionary stages
Physics, Astronomy (100%)
Stellar activity,
Solar activity,
Stellar evolution,
Planetary evolution,
Between the Sun and the Earth there is a permanent interaction via solar radiation and the solar wind. In addition we know radiation outbreaks (flares) and mass expulsions (CMEs) which occur sporadically on the Sun. All of these permanent and sporadic phenmona make the Space Weather. Moreover, all of these phenomena determine the evolution of stars and planets. An increased stellar CME activity causes higher stellar mass and angular momentum loss which slows down the stellar rotation (stellar spin-down) and weakens the magnetic activity. Therefore CMEs influence also stellar evolution. Model calculations have shown that frequent CMEs together with a strong short-wavelength radiation environment may cause planetary atmospheric erosion or even destruction of atmospheres of close-in orbiting planets. This means that CMEs also influence planetary habitability. On the Sun flares and CMEs are relatively well investigated due to the fact that the Sun is our nearest star. In general, detecting those phenomena on other stars is more difficult. It is a well known fact that young stars exhibit stronger activity, which means stronger magnetic fields as the present-day Sun. Young stars exhibit therefore more energetic and more frequent flares. CMEs of young stars are poorly investigated. We aim for a statistical characterisation of CMEs of young solar-like stars to gain insights in the early phase of solar activity. This characterization includes determination of velocity, mass and occurrence rate of CMEs. For detecting CMEs we use the signature of moving stellar material which is the Doppler shifted emission or absorption in spectral lines. To reach these goals we use observations from the European Southern Observatory (ESO) in Chile, telescopes offered via OPTICON, and the observatory Lustbühel in Austria, as well as solar observations from the solar observatory Ondrejov in the Czech republic. With this proposal it will be for the first time possible to statistically characterize CMEs of young solar analogue stars representing the Sun in different evolutionary stages and to gain therefore insights in the CME activity of the young Sun. We can therefore for the first time determine the stellar mass loss caused by CMEs in the early phase of solar evolution.
Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) contribute significantly to space weather in the Solar System. They are responsible for the beautiful aurorae, but can also lead to power outages or damage satellites. If CMEs are energetic and occur frequently, they could cause severe atmospheric erosion on close-in orbiting exoplanets. Moreover, CMEs may have a currently unknown contribution to stellar mass- and angular momentum loss. On the Sun, this phenomenon is well investigated, but not on more distant stars. One of the possible detection methods for stellar CMEs uses signatures in optical spectra, which are far more easy to obtain compared to wavelengths which are accessible only from space. Especially for monitoring stars for longer timescales this method is the best-suited. As we are interested in the CME activity of the Sun in time, i.e. the Sun from its birth to present, we select so-called solar analogue stars of different ages, resembling the Sun in different evolutionary stages. We monitored a handful of bright solar analogues for around 3 years using the institutes half-meter telescope located at the border of Graz, Austria, and analysed existing data from Pic du Midi, France, Hawaii, US, and the European Southern Observatory (ESO), Chile. We did not find any signatures of CMEs in any of these observations. To interpret these non-detections, we developed a semi-empirical model to estimate the expected number of CME signatures of all target stars. We found that many data sets (especially the archival data) were too short to detect CMEs. For the longer observations, we conclude that either massive CMEs occur less frequently than expected, or that their optical signatures are fainter than expected on these stars. The majority of optical CME detections in the literature occurred on stars smaller and cooler than the Sun, so-called M-stars. They all appeared as emission signatures and were therefore thought to originate from erupting prominences, i.e. CME cores seen against the dark background aside from the stellar disk (in contrast to erupting filaments, which are the same phenomenon, but seen against the disk and seen as absorption signatures). By applying radiative transfer modeling to one previously known stellar CME, we could show that on M- stars, emission signatures can also be caused by filaments if they have higher temperatures than on the Sun. The field of stellar CME research is growing, especially during the last years the interest in this phenomenon has increased because of its numerous implications. More efforts are needed to properly identify and characterize stellar CMEs, with the goal to statistically determine their parameters, just like on the Sun.
- Universität Graz - 100%
- Pavel Kotrc, Czech Academy of Sciences - Czechia
- Petr Heinzel, Czech Academy of Sciences - Czechia
- Heidi Korhonen, University of Copenhagen - Denmark
- Eike Guenther, Universität Thüringen - Germany
- Krisztian Vida, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Magyar Tudományos Akadémia) - Hungary
- Ignasi Ribas, Spanish National Research Council - Spain
Research Output
- 951 Citations
- 59 Publications
- 3 Datasets & models
- 6 Fundings
Title Observations and detectability of young Suns’ flaring and CME activity in optical spectra DOI 10.1093/mnras/stae1404 Type Journal Article Author Leitzinger M Journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Pages 1486-1503 Link Publication -
Title Protective Effects of Halite to Vacuum and Vacuum-Ultraviolet Radiation: A Potential Scenario During a Young Sun Superflare DOI 10.48550/arxiv.2311.08606 Type Preprint Author Abrevaya X -
Title Can radio emission escape from the magnetosphere of ? Andromedae b – a new method to constrain the minimum mass of Hot Jupiters DOI 10.1093/mnras/stac767 Type Journal Article Author Erkaev N Journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Pages 4869-4876 Link Publication -
Title Stellar coronal mass ejections DOI 10.2298/saj2205001l Type Journal Article Author Leitzinger M Journal Serbian Astronomical Journal Pages 1-22 Link Publication -
Title Modification of the radioactive heat budget of Earth-like exoplanets by the loss of primordial atmospheres DOI 10.48550/arxiv.2209.14691 Type Preprint Author Erkaev N -
Title Protective Effects of Halite to Vacuum and Vacuum-Ultraviolet Radiation: A Potential Scenario During a Young Sun Superflare DOI 10.1089/ast.2022.0016 Type Journal Article Author Abrevaya X Journal Astrobiology Pages 245-268 Link Publication -
Title Stellar Coronal Mass Ejections DOI 10.48550/arxiv.2212.09079 Type Preprint Author Leitzinger M -
Title Modification of the radioactive heat budget of Earth-like exoplanets by the loss of primordial atmospheres DOI 10.1093/mnras/stac3168 Type Journal Article Author Erkaev N Journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Pages 3703-3721 Link Publication -
Title Modeling Balmer line signatures of stellar CMEs DOI 10.1093/mnras/stac1284 Type Journal Article Author Leitzinger M Journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Pages 6058-6073 Link Publication -
Title Modeling Balmer line signatures of stellar CMEs DOI 10.48550/arxiv.2205.03110 Type Preprint Author Leitzinger M -
Title Indications of stellar coronal mass ejections through coronal dimmings DOI 10.48550/arxiv.2110.12029 Type Preprint Author Veronig A -
Title A confined dynamo: Magnetic activity of the K-dwarf component in the pre-cataclysmic binary system V471 Tauri DOI 10.1051/0004-6361/202140707 Type Journal Article Author Kovári Z Journal Astronomy & Astrophysics Link Publication -
Title Indications of stellar coronal mass ejections through coronal dimmings DOI 10.1038/s41550-021-01345-9 Type Journal Article Author Veronig A Journal Nature Astronomy Pages 697-706 -
Title Atmospheric noble gas isotope and bulk K/U ratios as a constraint on the origin and early evolution of Venus and Earth Type Journal Article Author Lammer H. Journal The Main Belt: A Gateway to the Formation and Early Evolution of the Solar System Villasimius Pages 151 -
Title Atmospheric noble gas isotope and bulk K/U ratios as a constraint on the early evolution of Venus and Earth Type Other Author Lammer Helmut -
Title Coronal mass ejections on young G, K, and M stars Type Other Author Leitzinger Martin Pages 6870 -
Title Stellar CMEs from an observational point of view Type Other Author Leitzinger Martin Pages 6786 -
Title Modeling the Ly$α$ transit absorption of the hot Jupiter HD 189733b DOI 10.48550/arxiv.1903.10772 Type Other Author Erkaev N Link Publication -
Title The quest for stellar coronal mass ejections in late-type stars: I. Investigating Balmer-line asymmetries of single stars in Virtual Observatory data DOI 10.48550/arxiv.1901.04229 Type Other Author Leitzinger M Link Publication -
Title Close-in sub-Neptunes reveal the past rotation history of their host stars: atmospheric evolution of planets in the HD3167 and K2-32 planetary systems DOI 10.48550/arxiv.1906.12153 Type Other Author Cubillos P Link Publication -
Title A grid of upper atmosphere models for 1--40 MEARTH planets: application to CoRoT-7 b and HD219134 b,c DOI 10.48550/arxiv.1809.06645 Type Other Author Fossati L Link Publication -
Title Overcoming the limitations of the energy-limited approximation for planet atmospheric escape DOI 10.48550/arxiv.1810.06920 Type Other Author Fossati L Link Publication -
Title Supermassive Hot Jupiters Provide More Favourable Conditions for the Generation of Radio Emission via the Cyclotron Maser Instability - A Case Study Based on Tau Bootis b DOI 10.48550/arxiv.1807.11920 Type Preprint Author Weber C -
Title Overcoming the Limitations of the Energy-limited Approximation for Planet Atmospheric Escape DOI 10.3847/2041-8213/aae586 Type Journal Article Author Kubyshkina D Journal The Astrophysical Journal Letters Link Publication -
Title Supermassive hot Jupiters provide more favourable conditions for the generation of radio emission via the cyclotron maser instability – a case study based on Tau Bootis b DOI 10.1093/mnras/sty2079 Type Journal Article Author Weber C Journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Pages 3680-3688 Link Publication -
Title Towards astrobiological experimental approaches to study planetary UV surface environments DOI 10.1017/s1743921319002205 Type Journal Article Author Abrevaya X Journal Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union Pages 222-226 -
Title Observed versus modelled stellar CME rates DOI 10.1017/s174392131800830x Type Journal Article Author Leitzinger M Journal Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union Pages 246-247 Link Publication -
Title Grid of upper atmosphere models for 1–40 M? planets: application to CoRoT-7 b and HD 219134 b,c DOI 10.1051/0004-6361/201833737 Type Journal Article Author Kubyshkina D Journal Astronomy & Astrophysics Link Publication -
Title A census of coronal mass ejections on solar-like stars DOI 10.1093/mnras/staa504 Type Journal Article Author Leitzinger M Journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Pages 4570-4589 Link Publication -
Title Escape of rock-forming volatile elements and noble gases from planetary embryos DOI 10.1016/j.icarus.2020.113772 Type Journal Article Author Benedikt M Journal Icarus Pages 113772 -
Title Modeling the Lya transit absorption of the hot Jupiter HD 189733b DOI 10.1051/0004-6361/201834814 Type Journal Article Author Odert P Journal Astronomy & Astrophysics Link Publication -
Title Stellar coronal mass ejections – II. Constraints from spectroscopic observations DOI 10.1093/mnras/staa1021 Type Journal Article Author Odert P Journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Pages 3766-3783 Link Publication -
Title The UV surface habitability of Proxima b: first experiments revealing probable life survival to stellar flares DOI 10.1093/mnrasl/slaa037 Type Journal Article Author Abrevaya X Journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters Link Publication -
Title Loss and Fractionation of Noble Gas Isotopes and Moderately Volatile Elements from Planetary Embryos and Early Venus, Earth and Mars DOI 10.1007/s11214-020-00701-x Type Journal Article Author Lammer H Journal Space Science Reviews Pages 74 Link Publication -
Title Constraining stellar CMEs DOI 10.5281/zenodo.7404528 Type Other Author Leitzinger M Link Publication -
Title Constraining stellar CME occurrence with optical spectroscopy - updated results for M dwarfs DOI 10.5281/zenodo.7404640 Type Other Author Leitzinger M Link Publication -
Title Constraining stellar CME occurrence with optical spectroscopy - updated results for M dwarfs DOI 10.5281/zenodo.7404641 Type Other Author Leitzinger M Link Publication -
Title Constraining stellar CMEs DOI 10.5281/zenodo.7404527 Type Other Author Leitzinger M Link Publication -
Title Evidence of a flare ignited above a low-latitude spotted active region in the ultrafast rotator HK Aqr DOI 10.1093/mnras/stac2612 Type Journal Article Author González M Journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Pages 744-754 Link Publication -
Title Close-in Sub-Neptunes Reveal the Past Rotation History of Their Host Stars: Atmospheric Evolution of Planets in the HD 3167 and K2-32 Planetary Systems DOI 10.3847/1538-4357/ab1e42 Type Journal Article Author Kubyshkina D Journal The Astrophysical Journal Pages 26 Link Publication -
Title The quest for stellar coronal mass ejections in late-type stars DOI 10.1051/0004-6361/201834264 Type Journal Article Author Vida K Journal Astronomy & Astrophysics Link Publication -
Title An experimental study of the biological impact of a superflare on the TRAPPIST-1 planets DOI 10.1093/mnras/stae2433 Type Journal Article Author Abrevaya X Journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Pages 1616-1624 Link Publication -
Title Search for flares and associated CMEs on late-type main-sequence stars in optical SDSS spectra? DOI 10.1051/0004-6361/202039003 Type Journal Article Author Koller F Journal Astronomy & Astrophysics Link Publication -
Title The impact of stellar flares and superflares on life: first experiments to reveal the UV surface habitability of exoplanets Type Other Author Abrevaya X. Pages 1219 -
Title Formation of Venus, Earth and Mars: Constrained by isotopes DOI 10.48550/arxiv.2102.06173 Type Other Author Brasser R Link Publication -
Title Upper limits on the CME frequency of solar-like stars DOI 10.5281/zenodo.4562940 Type Other Author Leitzinger M Link Publication -
Title Constraining stellar CME occurrence with optical spectroscopy DOI 10.5281/zenodo.4562964 Type Other Author Leitzinger M Link Publication -
Title Constraining stellar CME occurrence with optical spectroscopy DOI 10.5281/zenodo.4562965 Type Other Author Leitzinger M Link Publication -
Title Search for flares and associated CMEs on late-type main-sequence stars in optical SDSS spectra DOI 10.48550/arxiv.2012.00786 Type Preprint Author Koller F -
Title A census of Coronal Mass Ejections on solar-like stars DOI 10.48550/arxiv.2002.04430 Type Other Author Leitzinger M Link Publication -
Title The UV surface habitability of Proxima b: first experiments revealing probable life survival to stellar flares DOI 10.48550/arxiv.2003.00984 Type Other Author Abrevaya X Link Publication -
Title The UV surface habitability of Proxima b: first experiments revealing probable life survival to stellar flares DOI 10.60692/b8d65-ayw78 Type Other Author M. Leitzinger Link Publication -
Title The UV surface habitability of Proxima b: first experiments revealing probable life survival to stellar flares DOI 10.60692/w29xx-5av71 Type Other Author M. Leitzinger Link Publication -
Title Formation of Venus, Earth and Mars: Constrained by Isotopes DOI 10.1007/s11214-020-00778-4 Type Journal Article Author Lammer H Journal Space Science Reviews Pages 7 -
Title Loss and fractionation of noble gas isotopes and moderately volatile elements from planetary embryos and early Venus, Earth and Mars DOI 10.48550/arxiv.2011.01064 Type Other Author Lammer H Link Publication -
Title Stellar coronal mass ejections II. Constraints from spectroscopic observations DOI 10.48550/arxiv.2004.04063 Type Other Author Leitzinger M Link Publication -
Title Constraining the early evolution of Venus and Earth through atmospheric Ar, Ne isotope and bulk K/U ratios DOI 10.1016/j.icarus.2019.113551 Type Journal Article Author Lammer H Journal Icarus Pages 113551 -
Title Early evolution of Venus and Earth constrained by the reproduction of measured Ar, Ne isotope and K/U elemental ratios Type Other Author Lammer Helmut -
Title Escape and fractionation of elements from planetary embryos Type Other Author Benedikt Markus
Title Search for flares and CMEs in SDSS data DOI 10.26093/cds/vizier.36460034 Type Database/Collection of data Public Access Link Link -
Title AAT observations of ONC Type Database/Collection of data Public Access Link Link -
Title ESO FLAMES ONC observatiuons Type Database/Collection of data Public Access Link Link
Title Koronale Masseauswürfe bei kühlen Sternen Type Travel/small personal Start of Funding 2019 Funder Stiftung Aktion Österreich Ungarn -
Title Solar and stellar CMEs: characterization by coronal dimmings Type Research grant (including intramural programme) Start of Funding 2019 Funder Austrian Research Promotion Agency -
Title Untersuchung des solaren Paradigmas auf kühlen Sternen Type Travel/small personal Start of Funding 2018 Funder Stiftung Aktion Österreich Ungarn -
Title Abbildung der Oberflächenaktivität des K-Zwergsterns im prä-kataklysmischen Doppelsystem V471 Tauri Type Travel/small personal Start of Funding 2021 Funder Stiftung Aktion Österreich Ungarn -
Title Constraining stellar CMEs by solar observations Type Research grant (including intramural programme) Start of Funding 2024 Funder Austrian Science Fund (FWF) -
Title Superflares: Their origins and connection with planets Type Research grant (including intramural programme) Start of Funding 2022 Funder Austrian Science Fund (FWF)