Fast all-optical photoacoustic micro-imaging of vasculature
Fast all-optical photoacoustic micro-imaging of vasculature
Other Natural Sciences (20%); Clinical Medicine (20%); Physics, Astronomy (60%)
Photoacoustic Imaging,
Biomedical Imaging,
Optoacoustic Imaging,
Optical Detection,
In an interdisciplinary collaboration of scientists with expertise in Physics, Mathematics and Medicine, photoacoustic imaging with optical ultrasound detection will be advanced towards application in biomedical research. Photoacoustics allows the generation of images with optical absorption contrast and resolution determined by the propagation and detection of ultrasound. Therefore, photoacoustic imaging is very attractive for biomedical research since the distribution of blood vessels and even the oxygen saturation of blood can be determined without contrast agents. The aim of the project is the optimization of a photoacoustic tomograph and the development of a photoacoustic microscope for the application in biomedical research. The common specialty of both devices is the detection of ultrasound waves with an optical phase contrast method and the recording of projection images of the acoustic field with a camera. A tomography system developed in the preceding project needed a rotation of the sample to obtain the projection data for 3D images, limiting its potential applications. The pursued rotatable tomograph will allow performing in-vivo experiments on humans and animals without any movement of the sample. With the optimized tomograph it will be possible to obtain 3D images within an imaging period of one minute and an image resolution of <50 m. The use of optical ultrasound detection with a camera for photoacoustic microscopy is a novel approach. This method uses excitation laser pulses focused to a line onto the sample, oriented orthogonal to the projection direction of the optical phase contrast method. Contrary to common photoacoustic microscopes, only a 1D scan is necessary to obtain 3D images, since the camera image already contains 2D image information. Hence, the data acquisition time is drastically reduced. The recorded C-scan images reveal acoustical resolution in direction parallel to the line and optical resolution in direction perpendicular to the line for superficial structures within the optical transport depth of about 1 mm. 2D images can be recorded in real-time and 3D images in a time determined by the laser repetition rate. For instance, with 10 kHz a C-scan image of size 5x5 mm can be recorded in less than one second. To obtain images from the recorded raw data, efficient image reconstruction algorithms will be implemented, for both tomography and microscopy. The ability of the developed imaging systems for fast, high-resolution 3D imaging will be tested on selected in vivo applications. In these applications also the functional imaging capabilities using multispectral excitation will be explored. The central application will be the monitoring of the wound healing process in mice and rats. Additionally, blood vessels in human skin will be visualized with the newly developed devices.
- Universität Graz - 100%
Research Output
- 192 Citations
- 31 Publications
- 6 Disseminations
Title Light-sheet photoacoustic microscopy (LIS-PAM) with optical ultrasound detection DOI 10.1117/12.2209478 Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Nuster R -
Title Combined photoacoustic, pulse-echo laser ultrasound, and speed-of-sound imaging using integrating optical detection DOI 10.1117/1.jbo.21.8.086010 Type Journal Article Author Wurzinger G Journal Journal of Biomedical Optics Pages 086010-086010 Link Publication -
Title Physical Considerations for In Vitro ESWT Research Design DOI 10.3390/ijms23010313 Type Journal Article Author Slezak C Journal International Journal of Molecular Sciences Pages 313 Link Publication -
Title Photoacoustic image reconstruction from full field data in heterogeneous media Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Haltmeier M Conference Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2019 Link Publication -
Title Deep learning of truncated singular values for limited view photoacoustic tomography Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Antholzer S Conference Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2019 Link Publication -
Title Optimization of image quality in photoacoustic tomography using spatial projection data Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Nuster R Conference Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2019 Link Publication -
Title Optimization of image quality in photoacoustic tomography using spatial projection data DOI 10.1117/12.2507506 Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Nuster R -
Title Photoacoustic image reconstruction from full field data in heterogeneous media DOI 10.48550/arxiv.1901.06503 Type Preprint Author Haltmeier M Link Publication -
Title Deep Learning of truncated singular values for limited view photoacoustic tomography DOI 10.48550/arxiv.1901.06498 Type Preprint Author Antholzer S Link Publication -
Title Learned backprojection for sparse and limited view photoacoustic tomography DOI 10.48550/arxiv.1908.00593 Type Preprint Author Antholzer S Link Publication -
Title Full Field Inversion in Photoacoustic Tomography with Variable Sound Speed DOI 10.3390/app9081563 Type Journal Article Author Zangerl G Journal Applied Sciences Pages 1563 Link Publication -
Title Full field inversion in photoacoustic tomography with variable sound speed DOI 10.48550/arxiv.1808.00816 Type Preprint Author Haltmeier M Link Publication -
Title Real-time photoacoustic projection imaging using deep learning DOI 10.48550/arxiv.1801.06693 Type Preprint Author Schwab J -
Title Conical ring array detector for large depth of field photoacoustic macroscopy DOI 10.1364/boe.386585 Type Journal Article Author Torke P Journal Biomedical Optics Express Pages 2461-2475 Link Publication -
Title Comparison of Piezoelectric and Optical Projection Imaging for Three-Dimensional In Vivo Photoacoustic Tomography DOI 10.3390/jimaging5010015 Type Journal Article Author Nuster R Journal Journal of Imaging Pages 15 Link Publication -
Title Photoacoustic image reconstruction from full field data in heterogeneous media DOI 10.1117/12.2508541 Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Haltmeier M Link Publication -
Title Learned backprojection for sparse and limited view photoacoustic tomography DOI 10.1117/12.2508438 Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Schwab J Pages 1087837 Link Publication -
Title Deep Learning of truncated singular values for limited view photoacoustic tomography DOI 10.1117/12.2508418 Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Schwab J Pages 1087836 Link Publication -
Title Photoacoustic image reconstruction via deep learning DOI 10.48550/arxiv.1901.06506 Type Preprint Author Antholzer S -
Title Progress in biomedical photoacoustic imaging instrumentation toward clinical application DOI 10.1063/5.0028190 Type Journal Article Author Paltauf G Journal Journal of Applied Physics Pages 180907 Link Publication -
Title TGV-regularized inversion of the Radon transform for photoacoustic tomography DOI 10.1364/boe.379941 Type Journal Article Author Bredies K Journal Biomedical Optics Express Pages 994-1019 Link Publication -
Title Photoacoustic image reconstruction via deep learning DOI 10.1117/12.2290676 Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Antholzer S Link Publication -
Title Modeling photoacoustic imaging with a scanning focused detector using Monte Carlo simulation of energy deposition DOI 10.1117/1.jbo.23.12.121607 Type Journal Article Author Paltauf G Journal Journal of Biomedical Optics Pages 121607-121607 Link Publication -
Title Modeling photoacoustic imaging with a scanning focused detector using Monte Carlo simulation of energy deposition Type Journal Article Author Paltauf G Journal J. of Biomedical Optics Pages 121607 Link Publication -
Title Photoacoustic image reconstruction via deep learning Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Antholzer S Conference Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2018 Link Publication -
Title Variational photoacoustic image reconstruction with spatially resolved projection data Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Hammernik K Conference Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2017 Link Publication -
Title First steps towards dual-modality 3D photoacoustic and speed of sound imaging with optical ultrasound detection Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Nuster R Conference Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2017 Link Publication -
Title Speed of Sound and photoacoustic imaging with an optical camera based ultrasound detection system Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Nuster R Conference European Conference on Biomedical Optics Link Publication -
Title First steps towards dual-modality 3D photoacoustic and speed of sound imaging with optical ultrasound detection DOI 10.1117/12.2254799 Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Nuster R -
Title Variational photoacoustic image reconstruction with spatially resolved projection data DOI 10.1117/12.2254863 Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Hammernik K -
Title Light-sheet photoacoustic microscopy (LIS-PAM) with optical ultrasound detection Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Nuster R Conference Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2016 Link Publication
Title Invited talk: Comparision of piezoelectric and optical projection imaging for 3D in-vivo photoacoustic tomograph Type A talk or presentation -
Title Invited talk: Deep Learning in Imaging Sciences, University Innsbruck Type Participation in an activity, workshop or similar -
Title Lab tours for school classes Type Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution -
Title Seminar about Biomedial Photonics, Speed of Sound and photoacosutic imaging with an optical camera-based ultrasound detection Type Participation in an activity, workshop or similar -
Title Seminar about Biomedical Photonics, Overview about recent photoacoustic and laser ultrasound research activities Type A talk or presentation -
Title Workshop: Preclinical Tumor models at the Medical University of Graz Type Participation in an activity, workshop or similar