Decision Framework Model for Cloud Based System Migration (DCloud)
Decision Framework Model for Cloud Based System Migration (DCloud)
Computer Sciences (80%); Law (20%)
Cloud Computing,
Requirements Engineering,
Risk Management,
Goal Modelling,
Decision Model
The goal of this project is to develop a decision framework model regarding Theo adaption of cloud-based systems into existing infrastructure. Despite Theo many advantages of cloud computing, such as economic benefits and simplified provisioning of business continuity, Theo paradigm also creates challenges for users, developers and providers. Of critical importance are issues related to organizational-, technical- and business continuity such as new dependencies from Theo cloud provider, service interruptions, change of existing IT infrastructure and data leakage. These issues evolve existing organizational risks and pose potential new risks that could outweigh Theo expected benefits. Theo decision to migrate into Theo cloud is a non-trivial undertaking, given that there can be heterogeneous sets of criteria and complex dependencies among different decision level components. Theo key challenge is to provide an analytic and predicate method for an in-depth understanding of requirements and risks before and after Theo migration; critical cloud computing areas in preparation of any migration decision making should consider costs, benefits, and risks. To our knowledge none of Theo current state-of-Theo-art works have been developed in order to consider comprehensive decision level factors and requirements for Theo migration or Theo understanding of risks and their evolution before and after a migration. Theo proposed project will focus in particular on systematically understanding Theo decision framework components, decision level factors, requirements and risk management through different levels of abstraction. Theo following results will be achieved: We will develop modeling concepts and notations as well as understand requirements based on Theo critical cloud areas and Theo organizational context for Theo structure modeling of a decision framework. These concepts and notations are then used in a systematic process that will support a full migration and maintain Theo resources of Theo migrated entities. Like any new technology, cloud computing creates both new opportunities and risks resp. Evolves existing risks. In particular, migrating into Theo cloud could imply a large amount of data and major configuration changes; a bad integration can pose potential risks as well as a change of Theo existing risks. We systematically assess and manage these risks considering Theo issues related to Theo decision framework components. We will develop an associated prototypical tool, a helping aid from a group factor, to support an effective, fast and informative decision for Theo cloud adaption. Theo tool develops cloud models based on applications, data and infrastructure requirements. It also estimates risks and determines cost associated with usage patterns. As Theo final output of Theo project we will perform an experimental validation of Theo approach in two real- case industrial contexts by applying both Theo case study research method and action research.
Dropbox, Google Drive, Amazon Drive these cloud services are common to most people, and an individual decision about private usage is often easily made, especially since there is a lot of storage space available for little or no money, and the installation and use are very simple. For companies, the situation looks different: Here, not only documents and photos are stored in the cloud, but often entire infrastructures and systems are to be outsourced to a cloud provider. To companies, which are often from the SME sector, this "migration to the cloud" presents a number of challenges: According to which criteria is a provider selected? What is the initial resp. running financial cost? What technical requirements must be met? What happens to the data once it is stored in the cloud (data protection)? What are the risks? The project "DCloud" (carried out from 2013 to 2017) devoted itself to these and further questions regarding the decision-making and implementation of cloud migration. Under the full title "Decision Framework Model for Cloud-Based System Migration", i. a. the following milestones have been fulfilled: Method for decision-making Process and model for migration and autonomic management Development of a software prototype Analysis and evaluation of method and tool via case studies In addition to the impact on computer science and related research areas, this project is of central importance to the general public, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises that are considering to migrate to the cloud for cost reasons. Based on the software prototype, methods and programs will be developed in follow-up projects to support decision-makers in the planning of a cloud migration. Furthermore, pioneering research topics, such as IPv6 (the next generation of Internet protocol), have been taken into account. Thanks to the research done in DCloud, and the collaborations that emerged during the project, basic models were designed, new research questions formulated, and future partnerships initiated.
Research Output
- 678 Citations
- 16 Publications
Title A Framework for Security Transparency in Cloud Computing DOI 10.3390/fi8010005 Type Journal Article Author Ismail U Journal Future Internet Pages 5 Link Publication -
Title Assurance of Security and Privacy Requirements for Cloud Deployment-Model. Type Journal Article Author Gritzalis S Et Al -
Title Advanced social engineering attacks DOI 10.1016/j.jisa.2014.09.005 Type Journal Article Author Krombholz K Journal Journal of Information Security and Applications Pages 113-122 -
Title IPv6 Security: Attacks and Countermeasures in a Nutshell. Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Ullrich J Conference WOOT. 2014. -
Title QR Inception DOI 10.1145/2666620.2666624 Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Dabrowski A Pages 3-10 -
Title Social engineering attacks on the knowledge worker DOI 10.1145/2523514.2523596 Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Krombholz K Pages 28-35 -
Title An empirical study on the implementation and evaluation of a goal-driven software development risk management model DOI 10.1016/j.infsof.2013.06.003 Type Journal Article Author Islam S Journal Information and Software Technology Pages 117-133 Link Publication -
Title A Framework for Cloud Security Audit DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-23276-8_27 Type Book Chapter Author Ismail U Publisher Springer Nature Pages 296-309 -
Title Measuring Sustainability for an Effective Information System Audit from Public Organization Perspective DOI 10.1109/rcis.2015.7128862 Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Rahman A Pages 42-51 Link Publication -
Title Sustainability Forecast for Cloud Migration DOI 10.1109/mesoca.2015.7328123 Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Rahman A Pages 31-35 Link Publication -
Title Cloud Security Audit for Migration and Continuous Monitoring DOI 10.1109/trustcom.2015.486 Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Ismail U Pages 1081-1087 Link Publication -
Title QR Code Security - How Secure and Usable Apps can Protect Users Against Malicious QR Codes DOI 10.1109/ares.2015.84 Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Krombholz K Pages 230-237 -
Title Assurance of Security and Privacy Requirements for Cloud Deployment Models DOI 10.1109/tcc.2015.2511719 Type Journal Article Author Islam S Journal IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing Pages 387-400 Link Publication -
Title A Decision Framework Model for Migration into Cloud DOI 10.1145/2684200.2684354 Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Islam S Pages 185-189 -
Title Network-Based Secret Communication in Clouds: A Survey DOI 10.1109/comst.2017.2659646 Type Journal Article Author Ullrich J Journal IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials Pages 1112-1144 -
Title A Risk Management Framework for Cloud Migration Decision Support DOI 10.3390/jrfm10020010 Type Journal Article Author Islam S Journal Journal of Risk and Financial Management Pages 10 Link Publication