Biology (25%); Clinical Medicine (25%); Medical-Theoretical Sciences, Pharmacy (50%)
Olfactory Function,
The loss of smell is an incisive event, either caused by mechanical impact or subtly during the process of ageing. Besides effects on psychological, social and behavioral performance and thus affecting the quality of life tremendously, the loss of the sense of smell induces a reorganization in the functional network structure of the human brain. The human body is associated with trillions of microorganisms (the microbiome) which appear to have tremendous effects on health, disease, behavior and other aspects of human life. The composition of the microbiome (and thus its function) changes during the course of life, and in particular diversity-reduced microbial communities seem to be correlated with a variety of symptoms. The microbiome is capable to communicate with the human body cells and affects functions of human tissues and even brain. This project aims to decipher the role of the nasal microbiome, located directly in the olfactory area, by combining imaging biomarkers with measures obtained from microbiome phylogenetic and functional analyses. In the project we will investigate the basic functions and characteristics (diversity and abundance) of the active nasal microbiota and correlate these results with olfactory function. Combined neuroimaging measures from functional and structural connectivity, as well as morphological characteristics will be collected and their correspondence with olfactory function, dysfunction and regain will be investigated. The integrational approach in combining these fields will focus on increasing therapeutic opportunities and monitoring and predicting therapy success in the future. The project will marry two highly uprising fields of human life science microbiome research and neuroimaging. Especially due to the mixture of methods and approaches with aiming at the same target, this proposal has the potential of generating profound knowledge on understanding the sense of smell.
- Universität Graz - 90%
- Medizinische Universität Graz - 10%
- Christine Moissl-Eichinger, Medizinische Universität Graz , associated research partner
- Veronika Schöpf, Universität Graz , former principal investigator
Research Output
- 1065 Citations
- 32 Publications
- 10 Scientific Awards
- 1 Fundings
Title Reduced olfactory performance is associated with changed microbial diversity, oralization, and accumulation of dead biomaterial in the nasal olfactory area DOI 10.1128/spectrum.01549-23 Type Journal Article Author Kumpitsch C Journal Microbiology Spectrum Link Publication -
Title More Than Smell—COVID-19 Is Associated With Severe Impairment of Smell, Taste, and Chemesthesis DOI 10.1093/chemse/bjaa041 Type Journal Article Author Parma V Journal Chemical Senses Pages 609-622 Link Publication -
Title Parkinson’s Disease Affects Functional Connectivity within the Olfactory-Trigeminal Network DOI 10.3233/jpd-202062 Type Journal Article Author Tremblay C Journal Journal of Parkinson's Disease Pages 1587-1600 -
Title Recent Smell Loss Is the Best Predictor of COVID-19 Among Individuals With Recent Respiratory Symptoms DOI 10.1093/chemse/bjaa081 Type Journal Article Author Gerkin R Journal Chemical Senses Link Publication -
Title Olfactory Meta-Cognition in Anxiety and Depression: the Different Role of Common and Social Odors Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Dal Bo Elisa -
Title Exploring the human microbiome - A journey through the human aerodigestive and gastrointestinal tract in health and disease Type Other Author Kumpitsch -
Title Additional file 2 of Reduced B12 uptake and increased gastrointestinal formate are associated with archaeome-mediated breath methane emission in humans DOI 10.6084/m9.figshare.16680130 Type Other Author Fischmeister F Link Publication -
Title Additional file 2 of Reduced B12 uptake and increased gastrointestinal formate are associated with archaeome-mediated breath methane emission in humans DOI 10.6084/m9.figshare.16680130.v1 Type Other Author Fischmeister F Link Publication -
Title Additional file 4 of Reduced B12 uptake and increased gastrointestinal formate are associated with archaeome-mediated breath methane emission in humans DOI 10.6084/m9.figshare.16680136 Type Other Author Fischmeister F Link Publication -
Title Additional file 4 of Reduced B12 uptake and increased gastrointestinal formate are associated with archaeome-mediated breath methane emission in humans DOI 10.6084/m9.figshare.16680136.v1 Type Other Author Fischmeister F Link Publication -
Title The correspondence of the nasal microbiome and olfactory function. Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Koskinen K Conference HMC - International Human Microbiome Conference. 2021 -
Title The Longitudinal Correspondence of the Nasal Microbiome and Olfactory Function. Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Kumpitsch C Conference AChemS 2021 Link Publication -
Title Reduced B12 uptake and increased gastrointestinal formate are associated with archaeome-mediated breath methane emission in humans DOI 10.1186/s40168-021-01130-w Type Journal Article Author Kumpitsch C Journal Microbiome Pages 193 Link Publication -
Title The role of superstition of cognitive control during neurofeedback training DOI 10.1101/2021.09.14.460252 Type Preprint Author Grössinger D Pages 2021.09.14.460252 Link Publication -
Title Additional file 11 of Reduced B12 uptake and increased gastrointestinal formate are associated with archaeome-mediated breath methane emission in humans DOI 10.6084/m9.figshare.16680127 Type Other Author Fischmeister F Link Publication -
Title Additional file 11 of Reduced B12 uptake and increased gastrointestinal formate are associated with archaeome-mediated breath methane emission in humans DOI 10.6084/m9.figshare.16680127.v1 Type Other Author Fischmeister F Link Publication -
Title The social odor scale: Development and initial validation of a new scale for the assessment of social odor awareness DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0260587 Type Journal Article Author Dal Bò E Journal PLoS ONE Link Publication -
Title Functional connectivity impairment in the olfactory-trigeminal network in Parkinson's disease. Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Behzaddlravani Conference OHBM 2020 -
Title Nose Brain Axis: The correspondence of the nasal microbiome and human olfaction. Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Koskinen K Conference ÖGMBT Life Science. 2020 -
Title The unique gastrointestinal microbiome of high CH4 emitters. Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Fischmeister F.Ph.S Conference Theodor Escherich Symposium. 2020 -
Title Consistent social odor representation across 7 languages: the Social Odor Scale translation and validation DOI 10.1093/chemse/bjae035 Type Journal Article Author Cecchetto C Journal Chemical Senses Link Publication -
Title The microbiome of the upper respiratory tract in health and disease DOI 10.1186/s12915-019-0703-z Type Journal Article Author Kumpitsch C Journal BMC Biology Pages 87 Link Publication -
Title The correspondence of the nasal microbiome and olfactory function - or: The nose-brain axis. Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Koskinen K Conference ÖGMBT Annual meeting. 2018 -
Title Separating Respiration, Trigeminal, and Olfactory Effects at the Cortical Level. Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Fischmeister F.Ph.S Conference AChemS 2019 -
Title NOSE BRAIN AXIS - The correspondance of the nasal microbiome and olfactory function. Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Koskinen K Conference FEMS 2019 -
Title The Cow in You! Correlations between methane levels and methanogens in the gut. Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Fischmeister F.Ph.S Conference Medical University Graz -
Title The microbiome and the sense of smell: A story about the role of our microbial inhabitants in olfactory performance. Type Conference Proceeding Abstract Author Koskinen K. Conference FEMS 2022 -
Title The Social Odor Scale: development and initial validation of a new scale for the assessment of Social Odor Awareness DOI 10.31234/osf.io/wm82v Type Preprint Author Dal Bò E Link Publication -
Title Reduced olfactory performance is associated with changed microbial diversity, oralization and accumulation of dead biomaterial in the nasal olfactory area DOI 10.21203/rs.3.rs-2251236/v1 Type Preprint Author Kumpitsch C Link Publication -
Title Future Directions for Chemosensory Connectomes: Best Practices and Specific Challenges DOI 10.3389/fnsys.2022.885304 Type Journal Article Author Veldhuizen M Journal Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience Pages 885304 Link Publication -
Title Olfactory meta-cognition in individuals with depressive and anxiety symptoms: The differential role of common and social odors DOI 10.1016/j.jad.2022.04.071 Type Journal Article Author Dal Bò E Journal Journal of Affective Disorders Pages 259-267 -
Title Alexithymia modulates the attitudes towards odors but not the olfactory abilities or the affective reactions to odors DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0278496 Type Journal Article Author Cecchetto C Journal PLOS ONE Link Publication
Title Associate Editor for Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience and Neuropsychology Type Appointed as the editor/advisor to a journal or book series Level of Recognition Continental/International -
Title The microbiome and the sense of smell: A story about the role of our microbial inhabitants in olfactory performance. Type Poster/abstract prize Level of Recognition Continental/International -
Title Der Geruchssinn und das Nasenmikrobiom Type Personally asked as a key note speaker to a conference Level of Recognition Regional (any country) -
Title The Functional Connectome of Chemosensory Perception Type Appointed as the editor/advisor to a journal or book series Level of Recognition Continental/International -
Title Can Chemosensory Perception be Represented in a Single Connectome? Type Personally asked as a key note speaker to a conference Level of Recognition Continental/International -
Title Separating the Neural Correlates of Olfaction in Health and Disease Type Personally asked as a key note speaker to a conference Level of Recognition Continental/International -
Title Separating the Neural Correlates of Olfaction in Health and Disease Type Personally asked as a key note speaker to a conference Level of Recognition Continental/International -
Title Nose-Brain Axis - The correspondence of the nasal microbiome and olfactory function. Type Poster/abstract prize Level of Recognition National (any country) -
Title The correspondence of the nasal microbiome and olfactory function - or: The nose-brain axis. Type Poster/abstract prize Level of Recognition National (any country) -
Title Von der Nase ins Gehirn. Type Personally asked as a key note speaker to a conference Level of Recognition National (any country)
Title Subvention des Wissenschaftsreferates der Stadt Graz Type Research grant (including intramural programme) Start of Funding 2018 Funder Stadt Graz Kulturamt