Optimal adaptivity for space-time methods
Optimal adaptivity for space-time methods
Mathematics (100%)
Space-Time Finite Element Method,
A Posteriori Error Estimation,
Adaptive Algorithms,
Optimal Convergence,
Space-Time Boundary Element Method
Time-dependent partial differential equations arise as typical models in many scientific and engineering applications, e.g., heat conduction and diffusion, changing in time processes in social and life sciences, etc. In general, these equations can only be solved approximately by numerical methods. The goal of the proposed research is to significantly improve the performance of numerical space-time methods. In contrast to time-stepping methods, which approximate the solution at some timepoints, space- time methods aim to approximate the solution as a whole in the so-called space-time cylinder and treat time as yet another dimension. To this end, the space-time cylinder is partitioned into a four- dimensional mesh and a piecewise polynomial approximation to the solution is computed. Refinement of the underlying mesh leads to an increase of accuracy. However, in general, the solution exhibits singularities, which have to be resolved appropriately. In order to detect these singularities, one requires a-posteriori computable error estimators that locally measure the quality of the current approximation. The development and mathematical analysis of such estimators for time-dependent problems is one of the key tasks of the proposed research. In the next step, we will then use these estimators within an adaptive algorithm that automatically refines the underlying mesh at those points, where it is necessary. Our main goal is to mathematically prove that the adaptive algorithm leads to optimal convergence of the generated approximations towards the exact solution, i.e., the algorithm leads to the best possible convergence behavior. Finally, all theoretical findings will be implemented for simple model problems and provided to the academic public to underline the practical impact of the developed mathematical concepts and results. In the long run, the research might even result in specially developed software for more complicated time-dependent problems as it has been the case for new a-posteriori estimators and adaptive algorithms for time-independent problems that were developed in theoretical studies. Indeed, they found their way relatively fast to academic (e.g., iFEM, Alberta, PLTMG, Netgen/NGSolve, BEM++) and commercial (e.g., FEMLAB) software packages. This will allow to substitute costly experiments with prototypes by reliable and well-performing simulations providing approximations at an accuracy, which is yet out of reach for existing numerical schemes.
Time-dependent partial differential equations arise as typical models in many scientific and engineering applications, e.g., heat conduction and diffusion, changing-in-time processes in social and life sciences, etc. In general, these equations can only be solved approximately by numerical methods. The goal of the proposed research was to significantly improve the performance of numerical space-time methods. In contrast to time-stepping methods, which approximate the solution at some timepoints, space-time methods aim to approximate the solution as a whole in the so-called space-time cylinder and treat time as yet another dimension. To this end, the space-time cylinder is partitioned into a four-dimensional mesh and a piecewise polynomial approximation to the solution is computed. Refinement of the underlying mesh leads to an increase of accuracy. However, in general, the solution exhibits singularities, which have to be resolved appropriately. In order to detect these singularities, one requires a-posteriori computable error estimators that locally measure the quality of the current approximation. In the frame of my research, I developed and analyzed such estimators for time-dependent problems. In the next step, I used these estimators within an adaptive algorithm that automatically refines the underlying mesh at those points where it is necessary. I was able to prove mathematically that this algorithm always converges towards the exact solution, i.e., it achieves any desired given accuracy after a certain runtime. Finally, the theoretical findings were implemented for simple model problems and provided to the academic public to underline the practical impact of the developed mathematical concepts and results. In the long run, the research might even result in specially developed software for more complicated time-dependent problems as it has been the case for new a-posteriori estimators and adaptive algorithms for time-independent problems that were developed in theoretical studies. Indeed, they found their way relatively fast to academic (e.g., iFEM, Alberta, PLTMG, Netgen/NGSolve, BEM++) and commercial (e.g., FEMLAB) software packages. This will allow to substitute costly experiments with prototypes by reliable and well-performing simulations providing approximations at an accuracy, which is yet out of reach for existing numerical schemes.
- University of Amsterdam - 100%
Research Output
- 110 Citations
- 28 Publications
- 2 Software
Title Applications of a space-time FOSLS formulation for parabolic PDEs DOI 10.1093/imanum/drad012 Type Journal Article Author Gantner G Journal IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis -
Title Improved rates for a space–time FOSLS of parabolic PDEs DOI 10.1007/s00211-023-01387-3 Type Journal Article Author Gantner G Journal Numerische Mathematik Pages 133-157 Link Publication -
Title Inexpensive polynomial-degree-robust equilibrated flux a posteriori estimates for isogeometric analysis DOI 10.1142/s0218202524500076 Type Journal Article Author Gantner G Journal Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences Pages 477-522 Link Publication -
Title Efficient numerical approximation of a non-regular Fokker–Planck equation associated with first-passage time distributions DOI 10.1007/s10543-022-00914-2 Type Journal Article Author Boehm U Journal BIT Numerical Mathematics Pages 1355-1382 Link Publication -
Title Adaptive space-time BEM for the heat equation DOI 10.1016/j.camwa.2021.12.022 Type Journal Article Author Gantner G Journal Computers & Mathematics with Applications Pages 117-131 Link Publication -
Title Further results on a space-time FOSLS formulation of parabolic PDEs DOI 10.1051/m2an/2020084 Type Journal Article Author Gantner G Journal ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis Pages 283-299 Link Publication -
Title Adaptive IGAFEM with optimal convergence rates: T-splines DOI 10.1016/j.cagd.2020.101906 Type Journal Article Author Gantner G Journal Computer Aided Geometric Design Pages 101906 Link Publication -
Title A well-posed First Order System Least Squares formulation of the instationary Stokes equations DOI 10.48550/arxiv.2201.10843 Type Preprint Author Gantner G -
Title Applications of a space-time FOSLS formulation for parabolic PDEs DOI 10.48550/arxiv.2208.09616 Type Preprint Author Gantner G -
Title Mathematical Foundations of Adaptive Isogeometric Analysis DOI 10.1007/s11831-022-09752-5 Type Journal Article Author Buffa A Journal Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering Pages 4479-4555 Link Publication -
Title Improved rates for a space-time FOSLS of parabolic PDEs DOI 10.48550/arxiv.2208.10824 Type Preprint Author Gantner G -
Title Inexpensive polynomial-degree-robust equilibrated flux a posteriori estimates for isogeometric analysis DOI 10.48550/arxiv.2210.08854 Type Preprint Author Gantner G -
Title Adaptive BEM for elliptic PDE systems, part II: Isogeometric analysis with hierarchical B-splines for weakly-singular integral equations DOI 10.1016/j.camwa.2022.04.006 Type Journal Article Author Gantner G Journal Computers & Mathematics with Applications Pages 74-96 Link Publication -
Title Efficient numerical approximation of a non-regular Fokker--Planck equation associated with first-passage time distributions DOI 10.48550/arxiv.2103.04839 Type Preprint Author Boehm U -
Title Mathematical foundations of adaptive isogeometric analysis DOI 10.48550/arxiv.2107.02023 Type Preprint Author Buffa A -
Title Adaptive BEM for elliptic PDE systems, part II: Isogeometric analysis with hierarchical B-splines for weakly-singular integral equations DOI 10.48550/arxiv.2107.06613 Type Preprint Author Gantner G -
Title Fast solutions for the first-passage distribution of diffusion models with space-time-dependent drift functions and time-dependent boundaries DOI 10.1016/j.jmp.2021.102613 Type Journal Article Author Boehm U Journal Journal of Mathematical Psychology Pages 102613 Link Publication -
Title Adaptive space-time BEM for the heat equation DOI 10.48550/arxiv.2108.03055 Type Preprint Author Gantner G -
Title Adaptive BEM for elliptic PDE systems, Part I: Abstract framework for weakly-singular integral equations DOI 10.48550/arxiv.2004.07762 Type Other Author Gantner G Link Publication -
Title A Well-Posed First Order System Least Squares Formulation of the Instationary Stokes Equations DOI 10.1137/21m1432600 Type Journal Article Author Gantner G Journal SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis Pages 1607-1629 Link Publication -
Title Goal-oriented adaptive finite element methods with optimal computational complexity DOI 10.1007/s00211-022-01334-8 Type Journal Article Author Becker R Journal Numerische Mathematik Pages 111-140 Link Publication -
Title Stable Implementation of Adaptive IGABEM in 2D in MATLAB DOI 10.1515/cmam-2022-0050 Type Journal Article Author Gantner G Journal Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics Pages 563-590 Link Publication -
Title Improved rates for a space-time FOSLS of parabolic PDEs Type Other Author Gantner G Pages 1-22 Link Publication -
Title Applications of a space-time FOSLS formulation for parabolic PDEs Type Other Author Gantner G Pages 1-23 Link Publication -
Title Further results on a space-time FOSLS formulation of parabolic PDEs DOI 10.48550/arxiv.2005.11000 Type Other Author Gantner G Link Publication -
Title Plain convergence of adaptive algorithms without exploiting reliability and efficiency DOI 10.1093/imanum/drab010 Type Journal Article Author Gantner G Journal IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis Pages 1434-1453 Link Publication -
Title Fast Solutions for the First-Passage Distribution of Diffusion Models with Space-Time-Dependent Drift Functions and Time-Dependent Boundaries DOI 10.31234/osf.io/maurt Type Preprint Author Boehm U -
Title Adaptive BEM for elliptic PDE systems, part I: abstract framework, for weakly-singular integral equations DOI 10.1080/00036811.2020.1800651 Type Journal Article Author Gantner G Journal Applicable Analysis Pages 2085-2118 Link Publication
Title Implementation of: Adaptive space-time BEM for the heat equation DOI 10.5281/zenodo.5165043 Link Link -
Title Fast solutions (for the first-passage distribution of diffusion models with space-time-dependent drift functions) Link Link