Jets in the Solar Atmosphere
Jets in the Solar Atmosphere
DACH: Österreich - Deutschland - Schweiz
Physics, Astronomy (100%)
Solar Physics,
Solar Atmosphere,
Our Sun is the only star where details on its surface and atmosphere can be observed and analysed. Recently, new large solar telescopes have been installed together with new excellent instruments; also computer simulations were made with high degree of precision. These developments will permit to investigate turbulent phenomena on the solar surface and study their propagation to the lower solar chromosphere where high enrergetic events occur, like solar flares which release during several minutes an energy equivalent to several 100 million hydrogen bombs. During such events short wavelength radiation strongly influences on radiocommunication on Earth and in extreme cases even satellites can become unstable and extravehicular activity of astronauts should be avoided because of the high radiation dose. In order to better understand the processes that result into such high energetic events, simultaneous observations at different layers in the solar atmosphere are needed. The German Kiepenheuer Institute in Freiburg has developped the HELLRIDE instrument that can be used at the best solar telescopes at the canary islands. The solar physics group in Graz, Austria has expertise in solar observations as well as in the analysis oft he huge amount of data. Therefore a common execution of the project will be highly efficient.
The topic jets in the solar atmosphere was discussed at several public talks and also at talks that were given in classrooms. Topic was also presented at scientific workshops and discussed there.
- Universität Graz - 100%
- Markus Roth, SOLARNET - Germany
Research Output
- 66 Citations
- 16 Publications
Title Role of initial density profiles in simulations of coronal wave-coronal hole interactions? DOI 10.1051/0004-6361/202346871 Type Journal Article Author Piantschitsch I Journal Astronomy & Astrophysics Link Publication -
Title Exploring magnetic field properties at the boundary of solar pores: A comparative study based on SDO-HMI observations DOI 10.60692/n69y0-rp210 Type Other Author J.I. Campos Rozo Link Publication -
Title Exploring magnetic field properties at the boundary of solar pores: A comparative study based on SDO-HMI observations DOI 10.60692/0mf06-g1r40 Type Other Author J.I. Campos Rozo Link Publication -
Title Exploring magnetic field properties at the boundary of solar pores: A comparative study based on SDO-HMI observations DOI 10.48550/arxiv.2304.13212 Type Preprint Author Rozo J -
Title Exploring magnetic field properties at the boundary of solar pores: A comparative study based on SDO-HMI observations? DOI 10.1051/0004-6361/202346389 Type Journal Article Author Rozo J Journal Astronomy & Astrophysics Link Publication -
Title The role of initial density profiles in simulations of coronal wave - coronal hole interaction DOI 10.48550/arxiv.2308.08928 Type Preprint Author Piantschitsch I -
Title A new method for estimating global coronal wave properties from their interaction with solar coronal holes DOI 10.48550/arxiv.2006.07293 Type Other Author Piantschitsch I Link Publication -
Title A census of Coronal Mass Ejections on solar-like stars DOI 10.48550/arxiv.2002.04430 Type Other Author Leitzinger M Link Publication -
Title Geometrical properties of the interaction between oblique incoming coronal waves and coronal holes DOI 10.48550/arxiv.2103.11644 Type Preprint Author Piantschitsch I -
Title Kink instability of triangular jets in the solar atmosphere? DOI 10.1051/0004-6361/202039381 Type Journal Article Author Zaqarashvili T Journal Astronomy & Astrophysics Link Publication -
Title Geometrical properties of the interaction between oblique incoming coronal waves and coronal holes DOI 10.1051/0004-6361/202040182 Type Journal Article Author Piantschitsch I Journal Astronomy & Astrophysics Link Publication -
Title Kink instability of triangular jets in the solar atmosphere DOI 10.48550/arxiv.2102.09952 Type Preprint Author Zaqarashvili T -
Title Prominence instability and CMEs triggered by massive coronal rain in the solar atmosphere DOI 10.48550/arxiv.2110.01287 Type Preprint Author Vashalomidze Z -
Title Prominence instability and CMEs triggered by massive coronal rain in the solar atmosphere DOI 10.1051/0004-6361/202040233 Type Journal Article Author Vashalomidze Z Journal Astronomy & Astrophysics Link Publication -
Title A new method for estimating global coronal wave properties based on their interaction with solar coronal holes DOI 10.1051/0004-6361/202038182 Type Journal Article Author Piantschitsch I Journal Astronomy & Astrophysics Link Publication -
Title A census of coronal mass ejections on solar-like stars DOI 10.1093/mnras/staa504 Type Journal Article Author Leitzinger M Journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Pages 4570-4589 Link Publication