Arts (60%); Media and Communication Sciences (40%)
Archives haunt our imagination. They migrate from old storage spaces to new storage technologies. They legitimize individuals at the intersection of institutions, social media, and private collections. They hover between personal hard drives and anonymous web servers. They write the laws of what can be said. The project Dismantling the Archive - The Art of Disappearance makes archives disappear in order to uncover the paradox of archival practices and thus participate in the development of a contemporary form of archive. At a time in which the archive has become the central metaphor for preservation, The Art of Disappearance is dedicated to the development and reflection of an Aufhebekunst that illuminates and irritates our relationship to collected material. This term exploits the threefold meaning of the German word "Aufhebung" [sublation]: in the sense of to store; in the sense of to abolish, to make disappear; and in the sense of to lift into new contexts. Therefore, the Agentur für Unabkömmlichkeitsbegründungen (AGFU) will access the archive of the former artist collective Fritzpunkt (AF) with the aim of recognizing and questioning the tensions inherent in the objects on the one hand and making the archive disappear consistently and completely on the other. These artistic processes are put to the test by documentation techniques introduced into the Aufhebekunst, which endanger the Art of Disappearance in its consequence. Exemplary multiples produced by the AGFU in the run-up demonstrate to us the hypostatizing of disappearance which the performative installations of The Art of Disappearance will systematically play through: Working notes from the AF cast in epoxy resin are preserved in the multiples and at the same time forever withdrawn from us. Project leader: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roland Innerhofer, Institut für Germanistik der Universität Wien Kontakt: roland.innerhofer@univie.ac.at Research partner: Ass.-Prof.in Dr.in Rosemarie Brucher, Zentrum für Wissenschaft und Forschung der MUK Wien Kontakt: r.brucher@muk.ac.at Art: Agentur für Unabkömmlichkeitsbegründungen Kontakt: buero@agfu.at
In the classical approach to archives, researchers go into the archives, search for documents, and produce knowledge by shaping these archival materials. This approach has been reversed by discourse analysis and deconstruction. Their "archival turn" is that archives shape what we can recognize. This project takes a dynamic approach to this epistemic structure. It is a provocative undertaking, the exemplary dismantling of an archive that draws our attention to the problems of form that arise from these relationships. Over the course of three years, the project developed a paradoxical art of suspension that made the archive of the art collective Fritzpunkt (2002-2017) disappear, thereby placing the following questions at the center of its research interest. Can an archive make its own disappearance productive? Can identity be based on gaps in the archive? How can an archive be created that cannot be appropriated or exploited and that allows for an emancipatory approach to history? Are the archives of our digital ubiquitous instances that store everything in order to avoid having to remember? The project, carried out in cooperation with the Institute for German Studies at the University of Vienna, the Center for Science and Research at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, and the Agentur für Unabkömmlichkeitsbegründungen, used performative exhibitions, performances and interventions, lectures, workshops, and a symposium to carry out a process that interpreted the art of disappearance with increasing duration in the direction of an art of abandonment and disappearance. Central to this was the main project "The Archive is Present or in Praise of the Gap" (2023), which in a three-stage exhibition (Archive of Presence, Archive as Fragment, Archive as Absence) first exposed all the remaining archive material from the Fritzpunkt archive, then shredded it, and finally sent the shredded objects to 271 archives in Europe and beyond to be reintroduced into the archive cycle. The feedback from the archival institutions that received the shredded objects revealed both approval and rejection of the selection mechanisms of these archives of various genres, and led to the inclusion of the shredded objects in archives and art collections, as well as invitations to congresses to present the approach of the overall project. DISMANTLING THE ARCHIVE - THE ART OF DISAPPEARANCE was put to the test by the documentation techniques introduced into the art of suspension, which endangered the art of disappearance in its consistency. The question discussed with international experts in the symposium "whether or how to document a self-dismantling archive" was finally played out in two projects, a manual of disappearance and a catalog déraisonné, using paradoxical techniques of representation. Two project websites as well as four live radio interviews also make the project comprehensible in retrospect.
- Marina Grzinic Mauhler, Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien , national collaboration partner
- Wolfram Dornik, Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft , national collaboration partner
- Rosemarie Brucher, Musik u. Kunst Priv.-Univ. d. Stadt Wien , associated research partner
Research Output
- 6 Publications
- 13 Artistic Creations
- 14 Disseminations
Title Phantasma roher Daten; In: Handbuch des Verschwindens Type Book Chapter Author Lukas Schmutzer Publisher Agentur für Unabkömmlichkeitsbegründungen Pages 60 Link Publication -
Title Handbuch des Verschwindens Type Book Author Alexander Mairhofer editors Agentur für Unabkömmlichkeitsbegründungen Publisher Agentur für Unabkömmlichkeitsbegründungen Link Publication -
Title Lob der Lücke oder The Archive is Present; In: Die Archivierung der Gegenwart Type Book Chapter Author Fred Büchel Publisher VfmK Verlag für moderne Kunst GmbH Pages 8 Link Publication -
Title Catalogue déraisonné Type Book Author Alexander Mairhofer editors Agentur für Unabkömmlichkeitsbegründungen Publisher Agentur für Unabkömmlichkeitsbegründungen Link Publication -
Title Strategien zur Archivvermeidung - Eine Dokumentation; In: Handbuch des Verschwindens Type Book Chapter Author Lukas Schmutzer Publisher Agentur für Unabkömmlichkeitsbegründungen Pages 35 Link Publication -
Title Archiv der Zerstörung. Esther Kinskys Rombo; In: Handbuch des Verschwindens Type Book Chapter Author Roland Innerhofer Publisher Agentur für Unabkömmlichkeitsbegründungen Pages 9 Link Publication
Title (Un)documented - Eine (S)kartierung des Verschwindens Kapitel 1 Type Performance (Music, Dance, Drama, etc) Link Link -
Title Catalogue déraisonné - Eine Abandonnage Kapitel 2 Type Artistic/Creative Exhibition Link Link -
Title Alles muss raus. Das Stadtarchiv Graz muss schließen! Type Performance (Music, Dance, Drama, etc) Link Link -
Title #labibliothèquen'existeplus? Type Artistic/Creative Exhibition Link Link -
Title The Archive is Present I oder Lob der Lücke Type Artistic/Creative Exhibition Link Link -
Title The Archive is Present III oder Lob der Lücke Type Performance (Music, Dance, Drama, etc) Link Link -
Title The Archive is Present II oder Lob der Lücke Type Artistic/Creative Exhibition Link Link -
Title Meidet Archive! Type Performance (Music, Dance, Drama, etc) Link Link -
Title Dearchiviert den Krieg! Type Performance (Music, Dance, Drama, etc) Link Link -
Title Casino: Marianne Fritz Type Performance (Music, Dance, Drama, etc) Link Link -
Title Beheaded Books Type Artistic/Creative Exhibition Link Link -
Title Neue Schwierigkeiten nein zu sagen Type Performance (Music, Dance, Drama, etc) Link Link -
Title AGFU - Strategien zur Archivvermeidung Type Artistic/Creative Exhibition Link Link
Title 4 Life Radio Broadcasts about the Work of the AGFU (one hour each) Type A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press) Link Link -
Title Archival Echoes Type A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue Link Link -
Title Archival Echos Type A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue Link Link -
Title Auto-Archive zur Aufzeichnung des Eigenen Type A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue Link Link -
Title Between Evidence and Representation - A New Methodological Approach to the History of Performance Art and its Documentation Type A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue Link Link -
Title Book Presentation Archiving the Present - On Dealing with Art in Public Space Type A talk or presentation Link Link -
Title Die Archivierung der Gegenwart - Über den Umgang mit Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Type A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue Link Link -
Title Ein Archiv fassen, das sich bewegt haben wird Type A talk or presentation Link Link -
Title OHNANFANGOHNEND ∞ Marianne Fritz Type A talk or presentation Link Link -
Title Panel Discussion Casino: Marianne Fritz Type A talk or presentation Link Link -
Title Symposium Whether or how to document a self-dismantling archive? Type Participation in an activity, workshop or similar Link Link -
Title Werk im Fokus Type A talk or presentation Link Link -
Title Workshop für Dissertanten des künstlerisch-wissenschaftlichen Doktoratsstudiums at the MUK Type A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue Link Link -
Title Workshop with Sven Spieker about Archive Art / Critical Archive / Destruction / Disappearance Type A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue Link Link