New Identification Numbers for FWF Projects

The grant DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is a persistent identifier for information on funded projects. It allows for clear identification, citation, and automatic linking of project information; the resulting DOI resolver (Resolve a DOI Name) leads directly to the project page on the FWF website. The grant DOI is made up of an unchanging FWF prefix (10.55776/), which uniquely identifies the FWF, and the FWF project number (in future called the FWF ID).
This means that all past FWF projects which can be accessed online on the new FWF Research Radar page (previously Project Finder), as well as all new proposals from the time of approval, will be assigned a grant DOI in addition to the FWF project number (in future called the FWF ID), which must then be cited as the identifier of the approved project in any research output (papers, presentations, etc.). Grant DOIs are indicated on each project’s page on the Research Radar page.
FWF project number remains in use for administrative purposes
In the future, the FWF project number will be referred to as the FWF ID and will continue to be assigned to all FWF projects as soon as an application is submitted. The FWF ID will continue be used to identify projects at the administrative level, such as for financial and auditing purposes, but only the grant DOI is to be cited in all research output.
Please find further information about acknowledging the FWF here.
You can find the grant DOI for your FWF project online on the Research Radar page:
Inquiries and contact
Katharina Rieck MA MA
+43 676 834 87 8314