FWF Approves €51.3 Million for Outstanding Basic Research

At the most recent Scientific Board meeting, the FWF's Scientific Consultants decided on applications from numerous programs, including Principal Investigator Projects and the FWF’s various career development programs. See the Research Radar page for an overview of the current approvals. The 128 approved projects with a total funding amount of around €51.3 million also include projects from international programs, although the final commitments from the partner organizations are still pending.
New funding program on the horizon: Specialized Research Groups
26 consortia submitted pre-proposals for the Special Research Areas program, which is now expiring. The Scientific Board approved 5 applications, and these consortia will submit a full proposal in the next step. The Board will make its final decisions in late November 2025. This is the final round of Special Research Areas approvals, as the FWF is merging the program into the Specialized Research Groups, the new funding program for collaborative research projects. Applications for the new program will open in late May 2025. Click here for initial information on the new Specialized Research Groups.