FWF Approves €26.7 Million for Outstanding Projects

Representing the “backbone” of FWF funding, Stand-Alone Projects once again accounted for the bulk of approvals. Out of applications (including clinical research) amounting to a total of €60.4 million, €16.1 million were approved, which corresponds to an approval rate of 26.6 percent.
In the area of International Programmes, which are implemented jointly with international partner funding organisations, the applications amounted to €18.2 million, and it was possible to give conditional approval for €4.4 million (approval rate 24.0%). In some cases, the decisions of the partner organisations are still awaited.
Through the ESPRIT career programme, the FWF aims to support highly qualified postdocs from all disciplines. During the latest FWF Board meeting, decisions were taken on 59 applications (€17.6 million). Of these, 18 projects were rated as excellent and approved to the tune of €5.4 million, with exactly half of the funding going to women.
Quality, fairness, transparency
In addition to the highest scientific quality, internationality, and fairness, the FWF also subscribes to maximum transparency. All approved research projects are presented in detail on the FWF website. They can be found at: pf.fwf.ac.at/en/research-in-practice/project-finder
In addition, statistics are provided for each Board meeting at: https://www.fwf.ac.at/en/about-the-fwf/funding-statistics
FWF Board
The FWF Board consists of the executive board and the reporters of the FWF. The FWF Board is responsible for deciding on the funding for research projects. All members of the FWF Board can be found at: https://www.fwf.ac.at/en/about-the-fwf/organisation/board