FWF Approves 139 New Basic Research Projects

At their first meeting of the new year, the members of the FWF Scientific Board approved a total of 139 research projects with a volume of €78.2 million, including the first five Emerging Fields consortia, part of the initiative excellent=austria. With the second funding track of this excellence initiative, the FWF is further expanding top-level basic research in Austria. Further information on the Emerging Fields is available online.
Numerous national and international Principal Investigator Projects, the ESPRIT career program for highly qualified postdocs, the Elise Richter program for the advancement of senior postdoc women, and the Erwin Schrödinger fellowships for stays at renowned research institutions abroad were also approved for funding.
The list of approvals also includes projects from the AI Mission Austria and AI Green program funded by aws, FFG, and the FWF. This subject-specific funding program is intended to leverage the potential of the new key technology artificial intelligence (AI) and create added value for Austria as a business and research location.