Hand holding a glowing light bulb up to the starry sky
More opportunities for postdocs: The first call for the FWF ASTRA Awards will open soon. © Pexels/Bertelli

The Austrian Science Fund (FWF) will be awarding approximately 18 ASTRA grants per year, and 50% of the grants are reserved for excellently-rated proposals by women. The five-year awards are endowed with a basic grant of €500,000 to €1 million. Postdocs who completed their doctoral defense between two to nine years prior to applying (cut-off date: September 30 of the year of submission) are eligible to apply. 

Applications for Elise Richter and Elise Richter PEEK programs still being accepted until mid-July

The final submission deadline for the Elise Richter and Elise Richter PEEK women’s programs, which will be replaced by ASTRA, is July 16, 2024. The application must also have been approved for submission by the respective research institution by this deadline.

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