Green-roofed city on the Faroe Islands
Five Austrian projects are currently being funded by the Biodiversa+ European Partnership. © Unsplash/Tommy Kwak

Biodiversa+, the European Biodiversity Partnership, aims to advance excellent research on biodiversity that is both socially and politically relevant.  It is dedicated to building a strong European research area on biodiversity. The program’s focus is on the development of a research and innovation agenda for nature-based solutions, their national dissemination, and the support of relevant research.

The results of the third Biodiversa+ call for proposals “Nature-Based Solutions for Biodiversity, Human Well-Being and Transformative Change – BiodivNBS” are now available. Five of the 34 projects approved for funding include Austrian participation. The research projects will be funded with a total of over €40 million over a three-year period.

Projects with Austrian participation

AirBiD: Airborne Biodiversity Modulated by Urban Green Elements

Principal investigator in Austria: Markus Gorfer, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

Funding amount:  €310,975

EVESNAT: Nature-Based Solutions to Meet EU Nature Restoration

Principal investigator in Austria: Ulrike Tappeiner, University of Innsbruck

Funding amount:  €317,019

UrbanBEE: Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services & Engagement

Principal investigator in Austria: Petra Sumasgutner, University of Vienna

Participating research institutions: AGES; Lund University

Funding amount:  €317,904


Coordination: Michael Freissmuth, Medical University of Vienna

Participating research institutions: Monash University, University of Queensland, Technische Universität Berlin, Queen Mary University of London, University of Liverpool, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Cornell University, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University of Utah, Washington University in St. Louis

Funding amount:  €299,250


Principal investigator in Austria: Brenda Maria Zoderer, BOKU University, Vienna

Funding amount:  €318,523


The fourth call for proposals, “Biodiversity and Transformative Change (BiodivTransform),” is currently open. Application and review are carried out in a two-stage procedure. Full proposals are being accepted until April 11, 2025.

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